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May is Mental Health Awareness Month logo

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Raise your personal awareness about mental health

Preventing Suicide on College Campuses

Preventing Suicide on College Campuses
College can be a stressful time, and the numbers bear that out. Read about SAMHSA's Suicide Prevention efforts.

image of the report cover

Changes to the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant and the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant

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Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA's Roles and Actions 2011 - 2014
Learn more about SAMHSA's Strategic Initiatives

Find Help

Click here for the Suicide Hotline
Click here for Treatment Locators

You can also find treatment services near you by calling our 24-Hour Helpline at
1-800-662-HELP (4357)

National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day 2011 PSA

As a part of Caring for Every Child's Mental Health, learn about how trauma impacts young children and how, with help, they can demonstrate resilience and get through these difficult events.

Learn more about National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day | See more videos from SAMHSA

Data Point

One Quarter of Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Provide Spanish-Speaking Staff Counselors

One Quarter of Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Provide Spanish-Speaking Staff Counselors

Learn more about this data point by clicking here

Featured Resource

cover image of current featured resource

Helping Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Traumatic Events

Watch National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day 2011 PSA exit disclaimer icon

Learn more about National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day