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The Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, or "DCMI", is an open organization engaged in the development of interoperable metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models. DCMI's activities include work on architecture and modeling, discussions and collaborative work in DCMI Communities and DCMI Task Groups, annual conferences and workshops, standards liaison, and educational efforts to promote widespread acceptance of metadata standards and practices.

You can learn more about metadata and DCMI by exploring the pages listed in the menu bar above: the Home page (this page), Metadata Basics, Specifications, Community and Events, and About Us.

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Graphic for the DC-2011 International Conference

DC-2011 Call for Papers closed

2011-05-02, The Call for Papers and other contributions for DC-2011, to be hosted by the National Library of the Netherlands, 21-23 September in The Hague, the Netherlands, is now closed. Authors of submitted papers, project reports, posters, special sessions and DCMI Community workshop sessions will receive notification in early June. The preliminary program will be published in the second half of June, at which time online registration will open.

DCMI and the FOAF Project announce a cooperation agreement

2011-05-02, DCMI and the FOAF Project have announced a cooperation agreement outlining measures aimed at reinforcing the long-term viability of the FOAF Vocabulary. DCMI will maintain an up-to-date snapshot of the FOAF Vocabulary, temporarily host the vocabulary if needed, and assume maintenance responsibility if the FOAF Project should cease its normal activity. The two organizations see this cooperative agreement as an opportunity for better integrating their vocabularies with semantic alignments and for promoting the documentation of best-practice usage patterns in which the two vocabularies are used in combination. The agreement includes an affirmation of best-practice principles embodied in a DCMI Generic Namespace Policy for RDF Vocabularies.

National Library Board Singapore renews DCMI Membership

2011-05-02, DCMI is pleased to announce that the National Library Board Singapore has renewed its DCMI Membership for a third three-year term until 2014.

Emmanuelle Bermès and Mikael Nilsson to give keynotes at DC-2011

2011-03-21, The organizing committee of DC-2011, to be held 21-23 September 2011 in The Hague, is pleased to announce the keynote speakers for the conference: Emmanuelle Bermès who is well known for her work on the application of new technologies in the domain of libraries and cultural heritage, and Mikael Nilsson who is a leading expert in issues related to interoperability across metadata standards.

Discount for DCMI participants at Balisage

2011-04-04, Like last year, DCMI is a co-sponsor for Balisage, the annual conference devoted to the theory and practice of descriptive markup and related technologies for structuring and managing information, to be held in Montréal, Canada, 1-5 August 2011. DCMI participants are eligible for discount registration.

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Last updated: 2 May 2011 | Next update: 6 June 2011

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