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Categorical Exclusion Determinations

To further transparency and openness in its implementation of the NEPA process, DOE has established a policy to document and post online its categorical exclusion (CX) determinations involving classes of actions listed in Appendix B to Subpart D of the Department’s NEPA regulations, 10 CFR Part 1021.

This page contains links (below) to pages on this website and other DOE Program, Field, or Site Office websites containing the CX determinations required to be posted under this policy, and also some for which documentation and posting are optional, i.e., determinations involving classes of actions listed in Appendix A or made before the policy's effective date of November 2, 2009. You may browse the determinations posted on each of the websites at the links below, or search a comprehensive CX Determination Database (CX Database).

We established the comprehensive database to enhance the utility of DOE's CX posting initiative. The CX database may be searched by state, CX applied, date range, DOE Program, Field, or Site Office, keyword, and whether the CX determination is for a project related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment (Recovery Act or ARRA) Act of 2009. Links to the CX determination documents are provided. The CX database will be updated approximately monthly.


Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program
Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Environmental Management
Fossil Energy
Health, Safety and Security
Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Legacy Management
Loan Programs
Nuclear Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
Southeastern Power Administration
Southwestern Power Administration 
Western Area Power Administration
Ames Site Office
Argonne Site Office
Berkeley Site Office
Brookhaven Site Office
Carlsbad Field Office (WIPP)
Chicago Office
EM Consolidated Business Service Center
Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC)
Fermi Site Office
Golden Field Office
Idaho Operations Office
National Energy Technology Laboratory
New Brunswick Laboratory
Oak Ridge Office
Office of Legacy Management, Grand Junction
Office of River Protection
Pacific Northwest Site Office
Portsmouth Paducah Project Office 
Princeton Site Office
Richland Operations Office
Rocky Mt. Oilfield Testing Center
Savannah River Operations Office
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Site Office
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Field Office
Thomas Jefferson Site Office
West Valley Demonstration Project (look under "Document Index")
Kansas City Site Office
Lawrence Livermore Site Office
Los Alamos Site Office
Nevada Site Office

NNSA, Headquarters

NNSA Service Center
Pantex Site Office
Sandia Site Office
Savannah River Operations Office
Y-12 Site Office
Environmental Management
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
National Nuclear Security Administration, Headquarters
Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Advanced Research Projects Agency -Energy