Sensor Data

Or List Everything for this Day

Temperature (°C) left arrow left arrow right arrow

LST Sensor #1 Sensor #2 Sensor #3 Calculated UTC
20.3 20.2 20.2 21:05
20.2 20.1 20.1 21:10
20.1 20.0 20.0 21:15
20.0 19.9 19.9 21:20
20.1 20.0 20.0 21:25
20.2 20.1 20.2 21:30
20.1 20.0 20.0 21:35
19.1 19.0 19.1 21:40
18.9 18.8 18.8 21:45
15:50 18.4 18.6 18.5 18.5 21:50
15:55 18.3 18.5 18.4 18.4 21:55
16:00 18.1 18.3 18.2 18.2 22:00
Hour Average 19.5
Hour Min (*) 18.1 18.3 18.2 18.2
Hour Max (*) 19.7 20.3 20.2 20.3
Hour Std Dev 0.63 0.75 0.76
Plot 3 Temp Sensors Temp Sensors
Plot Calculated Temp Calculated Temp
Plot SR + 3 Temps + 3 Fans SR + 3 Temps + 3 Fans

Top Precipitation / Wetness left arrow left arrow right arrow

LST Wire #1
Depth (mm)
Wire #2
Depth (mm)
Wire #3
Depth (mm)
Wet #1 Wet #2 Calculated
Precip (mm)
15:05 207.8 219.0 211.8 1227 2902 0.0 0.0 21:05
15:10 207.8 219.0 211.8 33 2866 0.2 0.2 21:10
15:15 207.8 219.0 211.8 38 2882 0.0 0.0 21:15
15:20 207.8 219.0 211.8 1228 2893 0.0 0.0 21:20
15:25 207.8 219.0 211.8 1228 2887 0.0 0.0 21:25
15:30 207.8 219.0 211.8 1221 2884 0.0 0.0 21:30
15:35 207.8 219.0 211.8 1229 2883 0.0 0.0 21:35
15:40 207.8 219.0 211.8 32 2707 0.0 0.0 21:40
15:45 207.8 219.0 211.8 34 2872 0.0 0.0 21:45
15:50 207.8 219.0 211.8 1228 2877 0.0 0.0 21:50
15:55 207.7 219.0 211.8 1229 2885 0.0 0.0 21:55
16:00 207.7 219.0 211.8 1228 2884 0.0 0.0 22:00
Hourly Total 0.2
Plot Gauge Depths Wire Depths + Wetness
Plot Calculated Precip Calculated Precip

Top Wind left arrow left arrow right arrow

Wind Speed (m/s)

LST Avg (1.5m) UTC
15:05 0.00 21:05
15:10 0.40 21:10
15:15 0.79 21:15
15:20 1.56 21:20
15:25 2.08 21:25
15:30 2.36 21:30
15:35 2.65 21:35
15:40 3.16 21:40
15:45 2.82 21:45
15:50 1.80 21:50
15:55 1.73 21:55
16:00 1.79 22:00
Hourly Avg 1.76
10-Second Max 4.80
Hourly Std Dev 1.08
Plot Wind 1.5m Wind

Top Solar Radiation left arrow left arrow right arrow

Solar Radiation (Watts/m2)

15:05 1.3 21:05
15:10 0.0 21:10
15:15 0.0 21:15
15:20 0.0 21:20
15:25 0.0 21:25
15:30 0.0 21:30
15:35 0.0 21:35
15:40 0.0 21:40
15:45 0.0 21:45
15:50 11.8 21:50
15:55 0.1 21:55
16:00 0.0 22:00
Hourly Avg 1.1
Hourly Min 0.0
Hourly Max 20.8
Hourly Std Dev 3.7
Plot Solar Radiation Solar Radiation

Top Surface Temperature left arrow left arrow right arrow

Surface (IR) Temperature (°C)

LST Corrected IR Sensor
Body Temp
15:05 19.26 19.87 21:05
15:10 19.24 19.77 21:10
15:15 19.21 19.68 21:15
15:20 19.27 19.61 21:20
15:25 19.30 19.62 21:25
15:30 19.29 19.61 21:30
15:35 19.05 19.56 21:35
15:40 18.23 18.87 21:40
15:45 18.32 18.32 21:45
15:50 18.37 18.11 21:50
15:55 18.25 17.97 21:55
16:00 18.09 17.84 22:00
Hourly Avg 18.92 19.07
Hourly Min 18.09
Hourly Max 19.32
Hourly Std 0.46 0.76
Plot Surface Temperature Surface Temperature
Plot Temp + IR + SR + Wind Temp + IR + SR + Wind

Top Relative Humidity left arrow left arrow right arrow

LST RH (%) Temp (°C) at
RH Sensor
15:05 90 20.2 21:05
15:10 90 20.2 21:10
15:15 91 20.0 21:15
15:20 92 19.9 21:20
15:25 91 20.1 21:25
15:30 91 20.1 21:30
15:35 91 20.0 21:35
15:40 89 19.1 21:40
15:45 89 18.9 21:45
15:50 90 18.5 21:50
15:55 88 18.5 21:55
16:00 89 18.3 22:00
Min 18.3
Max 20.3
Std Dev 1.5 0.7
Plot Relative Humidity Relative Humidity
Plot RH + 3 Temps RH + 3 Temps
Plot RH + 3 Temps + Temp RH + 3 Temps + Temp

Top Soil Moisture / Soil Temperature (°C) left arrow left arrow right arrow

Soil Moisture

Soil Moisture Volumetric at 5 cm 0.7 0.637 0.506 0.614
Soil Moisture Volumetric at 10 cm 0.641 0.663 0.628 0.644
Soil Moisture Volumetric at 20 cm 0.601 0.62 0.608 0.61
Soil Moisture Volumetric at 50 cm
Soil Moisture Volumetric at 100 cm
Average Soil Moisture Dielectric at 5 cm 64.98 56.11 39.52
Average Soil Moisture Dielectric at 10 cm 56.62 59.67 54.77
Average Soil Moisture Dielectric at 20 cm 51.25 53.69 52.18
Average Soil Moisture Dielectric at 50 cm
Average Soil Moisture Dielectric at 100 cm
Plot Soil Moisture Volumetric Soil Moisture + Precipitation

5-Minute Soil Moisture at 5 cm

LST VWC Average
Set #1
VWC Average
Set #2
VWC Average
Set #3
VWC Layer
Dielectric Average
Set #1
Dielectric Average
Set #2
Dielectric Average
Set #3
15:05 0.699 0.655 0.513 0.622 64.82 58.53 40.25 21:05
15:10 0.684 0.639 0.505 0.609 62.67 56.25 39.34 21:10
15:15 0.699 0.646 0.518 0.621 64.93 57.27 40.84 21:15
15:20 0.7 0.655 0.51 0.622 64.96 58.53 39.91 21:20
15:25 0.699 0.655 0.506 0.62 64.83 58.56 39.53 21:25
15:30 0.691 0.654 0.519 0.621 63.73 58.46 41.00 21:30
15:35 0.684 0.638 0.511 0.611 62.69 56.12 40.09 21:35
15:40 0.691 0.664 0.506 0.62 63.73 59.75 39.53 21:40
15:45 0.691 0.664 0.506 0.62 63.73 59.75 39.53 21:45
15:50 0.7 0.646 0.51 0.619 64.96 57.28 39.91 21:50
15:55 0.7 0.655 0.511 0.622 64.96 58.56 40.09 21:55
16:00 0.7 0.638 0.506 0.615 64.97 56.12 39.53 22:00

Soil Temperature

Average Soil Temperature (°C) at 5 cm 16.8 17.2 17.7 17.23
Average Soil Temperature (°C) at 10 cm 16.5 16.8 17.0 16.763
Average Soil Temperature (°C) at 20 cm 16.2 16.0 16.3 16.163
Average Soil Temperature (°C) at 50 cm 15.5 15.7 15.4 15.533
Average Soil Temperature (°C) at 100 cm 15.4 15.0 15.7 15.367
Plot Soil Temperature Soil Temperature + Air Temperature

5-Minute Average Soil Temperature (°C) at 5 cm

LST Temperature
Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
15:05 16.79 17.19 17.50 17.16 21:05
15:10 16.79 17.19 17.50 17.16 21:10
15:15 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:15
15:20 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:20
15:25 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:25
15:30 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:30
15:35 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:35
15:40 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:40
15:45 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:45
15:50 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 21:50
15:55 17.00 17.19 17.50 17.23 21:55
16:00 16.79 17.19 17.69 17.223 22:00

Top Diagnostic Data left arrow left arrow right arrow

Fan Speed (rpm)

Sensor #1
Sensor #2
Sensor #3
97.3 98.4 97.9
Plot Fans Fan Speeds

Battery Voltages

GOES Transmitter GOES Transmitter
Under Full Load
13.57 13.00 11.62
Plot Battery Voltages Battery Voltages

Other Diagnostics

Minutes Datalogger Door Was Open 0.00
23X Panel Temp (°C) 20.93
Reference Resistor Average 1499.7
Datalogger Signature 48123.0
Geonor Inlet Max Temp (°C) 19.06
Datalogger Program Version Number 2.422
Transmitted Year 2017
Transmitted Julian Day 19
Transmitted UTC Time (End of Hour) 2200
Transmitted Longitude -87.24
Transmitted Latitude 32.456
End of File -6666
Plot Datalogger Door Open Datalogger Door Open
Plot Diagnostic Temps Diagnostic Temps

(*) Note regarding temperature values: the station datalogger polls each of the three temperature sensors once every 10 seconds, and keeps a running average of the last 30 of these 10-second samples. This "running 5-minute average" is computed every 10-seconds throughout the hour, for a total of 360 times. The temperature values reported by the station and shown above are the running 5-minute averages from the end of each of the 12 5-minute periods during the hour, and the mininum, maxium, and standard deviation of all 360 5-minute averages. Since the minimum and maximum are computed from all 360 5-minute averages, not just the 12 values shown above, the minimum may occasionally be less than, or the maximum greater than, the minimum and maximum of the 12 5-minute values shown. Back to Temperature