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Policies & Guidance

This provides access to the national policy and guidance documents that relate to the enforcement of the environmental statutes and regulations and to the other enforceable requirements in the areas shown below.

Statutory and Regulatory Enforcement || Related Areas || General Enforcement

Statutory and Regulatory Enforcement

Air Enforcement Policy and Guidance -- policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Clean Air Act (CAA) that relates to air pollution control, including emissions from stationary and mobile sources.

Water Enforcement Policy and Guidance -- policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) that relate to water pollution control and protecting the waters of the United States. This includes the Clean Water Act Sanitary Sewer Discharges Policy and Guidance used in enforcement related to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and combined sewer overflows (CSOs).

Solid/Hazardous Waste Enforcement Policy and Guidance -- policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) that relates to the generation, transportation, treatment, disposal and other handling of solid and hazardous wastes and to the regulation of underground storage tanks (USTs) and medical wastes. Policy and guidance covering certain specific types of batteries are either under RCRA or under the Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act (Battery Act).

Toxic Substances Enforcement Policy and Guidance -- policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) that relate to the required proper handling ofd managment of toxic substances.

Pesticides Enforcement Policy and Guidance -- policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) that relate to the required proper handling and management of pesticides.

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Policy and Guidance -- policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) that relates to emergency planning, chemical release notification, hazardous chemical storage reporting, and the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI).

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Related Areas

Federal Facilities Enforcement -- EPA's policy and guidance on ensuring that federal facilities prevent, control, and abate environmental pollution.

Cleanup Enforcement -- EPA's policy and guidance on enforcing remediation or cleanups at contaminated sites, including Superfund sites.

Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act/Regulatory Fairness Act (SBREFA/RFA) -- EPA's policy and guidance relating to its application of the Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act and its requirements as they relate to small businesses.

Environmental Hazard and Community Protection Enforcement -- EPA's policy and guidance used in enforcement of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and the General Duty Clause of the Clean Air Act that relate to chemical emergencies, chemical releases, and unsafe conditions due to industrial chemicals, was well as the reporting the use of hazardous chemicals.

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General Enforcement Policy and Guidance

Audit and Self-Auditing Policy and Audit Protocols -- policy and guidance documents relating to self-disclosure environmental audits.

Civil Enforcement Policy and Guidance Documents -- policy and guidance documents relating to various documents.

Civil Penalty Policies -- policy documents relating to the assessment of civil penalties under the various environmental statutes.

Enforcement Response Policies (ERP) -- policy documents relating to EPA enforcment actions for violations or noncompliance with the environmental statutes and regulations.

Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) -- policy and guidance relating to Supplemental Environmental Projects which are often a part of civil settlements.

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Civil Enforcement | Cleanup Enforcement | Criminal Enforcement

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