National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Home Page. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Home Page. National Climatic Data Center Home Page. Department of Commerce Home Page.
NOAA, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
National Climatic Data Center, U.S. Department of Commerce
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doc document Metadata Management
doc document Metadata Details (Table)
doc document Metadata Review Handbook

Site Selection Guidance
Portable Document Format - size 479KB Site Information Handbook
Microsoft Word format - size 121KB Portable Document Format - size 145KB Site Survey Checklist
Microsoft Word format - size 118KB Portable Document Format - size 182KB Site Identification, Survey & Selection Plan

doc document Instrument Monitoring
pdf document Station Installation/Maintenance

Tech Notes
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-05-2 (July 2005)
Final Report: Operational Testing of Various Precipitation Sensors in Support of
the United States Climate Reference Network (USCRN)

pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-05-1 (April 2005)
Calculation of USCRN Precipitation from Geonor Weighing Precipitation Gauge
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-04-6 (October 2004)
USCRN Temperature Aspirated Shield Modifications
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-04-5 (October 2004)
USCRN Weighing Precipitation Gauge (Geonor) Mount
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-04-4 (April 2004)
USCRN Weighing Precipitation Gauge Drain Pump
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-04-3 (April 2004)
External Cabling Protection for USCRN Installations
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-04-2 (March 2004)
Vibrating Wire Fall Protection Device for the USCRN Geonor Weighing-Bucket Precipitation Gauge
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-04-1 (March 2004)
Inlet Heater for USCRN Weighing Precipitation Gauge
pdf document NOAA Technical Note NCDC No. USCRN-03-1 (December 2003)
Performance of the NOAA USCRN Weighing-Bucket Precipitation Gauges During the Heavy Snowstorm Event of December 5-8, 2003