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DOE National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Website

Welcome to the U.S. Department of Energy's NEPA Website. The DOE NEPA Website serves as a focal point for DOE NEPA implementation, and contains information about current DOE NEPA events, an electronic archive of DOE NEPA documents, and other resources for NEPA practitioners and members of the public. 

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DOE NEPA Updates

DOE NEPA News Updates

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General NEPA News

U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments Status Chart (04/19/11)

U.S. Department of Energy Schedules of Key Environmental Impact Statements (04/15/11)

Preparing Concise Records of Decision (04/06/11)

Lessons Learned Quarterly Report (03/01/11)

Council on Environmental Quality Guidance on Appropriate Use of Mitigation and Monitoring and Clarifying the Appropriate Use of Mitigated Findings of No Significant Impact (01/14/11)

Environmental Protection Agency Amended Environmental Impact Statement Filing System Guidance for Implementing 40 CFR 1506.9 and 1506.10 of the Council on Environmental Quality's Regulations Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act  (01/14/11)

Council on Environmental Quality Final Guidance for Federal Departments and Agencies on Establishing, Applying, and Revising Categorical Exclusions under the National Environmental Policy Act (12/06/10) 

 The Deputy Secretary has issued a DOE Policy on Public Involvement in the Environmental Assessment Process regarding the online publication and electronic notification of the availability of draft environmental assessments (EAs) for public comment. (07/16/2010)

DOE NEPA Rulemaking

DOE proposes to amend its NEPA regulations (10 CFR Part 1021), particularly the categorical exclusions listed in Subpart D, and issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on December 20, 2010, published in the Federal Register on January 3, 2011. The proposed changes are intended to better align the Department’s regulations with DOE’s current activities and recent experiences, and to update provisions with respect to current technologies and regulatory requirements. The public comment period, originally scheduled to end February 17, 2011, ended March 7, 2011. Additional information, including public comments received, are available on the NEPA Rulemaking page of the DOE NEPA Website, and the Federal eRulemaking Portal (, Docket DOE-HQ-2010-0002).  

Latest Notices 

Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration Project, Lake Charles, LA (DOE/EIS-0464) 

Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Nuclear Facility Portion of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (DOE/EIS–0350–S1)  

Reopening of Scoping Period for the Northern Pass Transmission Line Project Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0463) (04/15/11)

Latest Documents

Draft Environmental Assessment for City of Montpelier Combined Heat and Power and District Energy System, Montpelier, Vermont (DOE/EA-1814D) (05/2011)

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Nuclear Facility Portion of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (DOE/EIS–0350-S1) (04/2011)

Record of Decision for Issuance of Loan Guarantees to Solar Partners I, LLC; Solar Partners II, LLC; and Solar Partners VIII, LLC (Solar Partners) for Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System Units 1,
2, and 3 (DOE/EIS-0416)

Notice of Intent to Hold Public Scoping Meetings and Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Basin Electric Power Cooperative (DOE/EA-1880) (04/12/11)(NOTE: DOE is a cooperating agency on this RUS EA)

Amended Interim Action Determination for Disposition of Plutonium Materials from Department of Energy (DOE) Standard 3013 Surveillance Program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) (DOE/EIS-0283-S2) (03/30/11)

Interim Action Determination Flexible Manufacturing Capability for the Mixed Fuel Fabrication Facility (DOE/EIS-0283-S2) (04/01/11)

Draft Environmental Assessment for the Kirkwood Community College Wind Turbine Project, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (DOE/EA-1859D) (04/2011)           

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