U. S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations
Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Total number of entries 5485
Date of last update 04/11/2011
Number of new entries 104


To further transparency and openness, DOE established a policy to document and post online all CX determinations involving classes of actions listed in Appendix B to Subpart D of the DOE NEPA regulations (10 CFR Part 1021).

This database contains CX determinations required to be posted under the policy, and also some for which documentation and posting are optional, i.e., determinations involving classes of actions listed in Appendix A or made before the policy’s effective date of November 2, 2009.

The database may be searched by state, CX applied, date range, DOE Program, Field, or Site Office, keyword, and whether the CX determination is for a project related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act or ARRA) of 2009.  Links to CX determination documents are provided.  The database will be updated approximately monthly.

See www.gc.energy.gov/NEPA/categorical_exclusion_determinations.htm for information on DOE CX procedures.  For further information on DOE’s NEPA compliance program, see www.gc.energy.gov/NEPA or email askNEPA@hq.doe.gov.

Version 1.03 (4/15/2010)
States / Territories CXs Applied Determination Date
  • (Nationwide)
  • (Other)
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • American Samoa
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Guam
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Marshall Islands
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Palau
  • Pennsylvania
  • Puerto Rico
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virgin Islands
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Washington, DC
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
  • A1. Routine administrative/financial/personnel actions
  • A2. Contract interpretations/amendments/modifications, clarifying or administrative
  • A3. Certain actions by Office of Hearings and Appeals
  • A4. Interpretations/rulings for existing regulations
  • A5. Rulemaking (interpreting/amending), no change in environmental effect
  • A6. Rulemakings, procedural
  • A7. Transfer of property, use unchanged
  • A8. Award of contracts for technical support/management and operation/personal services
  • A9. Information gathering/data analysis/document preparation/dissemination
  • A10. Reports or recommendations on non-DOE legislation
  • A11. Technical advice and assistance to organizations
  • A12. Emergency preparedness planning
  • A13. Procedural Orders, Notices, and guidelines
  • A14. Approval of technical exchange arrangements
  • A15. Umbrella agreements for cooperation in energy research and development
  • B1.1 Rate increases less than inflation (not power marketing, but see B4.3)
  • B1.2 Training exercises and simulation
  • B1.3 Routine maintenance/custodial services for buildings, structures, infrastructures, equipment
  • B1.4 Installation/modification of air conditioning systems for existing equipment
  • B1.5 Improvements to cooling water systems within existing building, structure
  • B1.6 Installation/modification of retention tanks, small basins to control runoff, spills
  • B1.7 Acquisition/installation/operation/removal of communication systems, data processing equipment
  • B1.8 Modifications to screened water intake/outflow structures
  • B1.9 Placement of airway safety markings/painting (not lighting) of existing lines, antennas
  • B1.10 Routine onsite storage of activated material at existing facility
  • B1.11 Fencing, no adverse effect on wildlife movement/surface water flow
  • B1.12 Detonation/burning of failed/damaged high explosives or propellants
  • B1.13 Construction/acquisition/relocation of onsite pathways, short onsite access roads/railroads
  • B1.14 Refueling of a nuclear reactor
  • B1.15 Siting/construction/operation of support buildings/support structures
  • B1.16 Removal of asbestos from buildings
  • B1.17 Removal of polychlorinated biphenyl-containing items from buildings, other aboveground locations
  • B1.18 Siting/construction/operation of additional/replacement water supply wells
  • B1.19 Siting/construction/operation of microwave/radio communication towers
  • B1.20 Protect/restore/improve fish and wildlife habitat
  • B1.21 Noise abatement
  • B1.22 Relocation of buildings
  • B1.23 Demolition/disposal of buildings
  • B1.24 Transfer of structures/residential, commercial, industrial use
  • B1.25 Transfer of land/habitat preservation, wildlife management
  • B1.26 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of small water treatment facilities, less than approximately 250,000 gallons per day capacity
  • B1.27 Disconnection of utilities
  • B1.28 Minor activities to place a facility in an environmentally safe condition, no proposed uses
  • B1.29 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of small onsite disposal facility for construction and demolition waste
  • B1.30 Transfer actions
  • B1.31 Relocation/operation of machinery and equipment
  • B1.32 Traffic flow adjustments, existing roads
  • B2.1 Modifications to enhance workplace habitability
  • B2.2 Installation of/improvements to building/equipment instrumentation (remote controls, emergency warning systems, monitors)
  • B2.3 Installation of equipment for personnel safety and health
  • B2.4 Equipment Qualification Programs
  • B2.5 Safety and environmental improvements of a facility, replacement/upgrade of facility components
  • B2.6 Packaging/transportation/storage of radioactive sources upon request by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or other cognizant agency
  • B3.1 Site characterization/environmental monitoring
  • B3.2 Aviation activities for survey/monitoring/security
  • B3.3 Research related to conservation of fish and wildlife
  • B3.4 Transport packaging tests for radioactive/hazardous material
  • B3.5 Tank car tests
  • B3.6 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of facilities for bench-scale research, conventional laboratory operations, small-scale research and development and pilot projects
  • B3.7 Siting/construction/operation of new infill exploratory, experimental oil/gas/geothermal wells
  • B3.8 Outdoor ecological/environmental research in small area
  • B3.9 Certain Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program activities
  • B3.10 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of particle accelerators, including electron beam accelerators, primary beam energy less than approximately 100 MeV
  • B3.11 Outdoor tests, experiments on materials and equipment components, no source, special nuclear, or byproduct materials involved
  • B3.12 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of microbiological and biomedical facilities
  • B3.13 Magnetic fusion experiments, no tritium fuel use
  • B4.1 Contracts/marketing plans/policies for excess electric power.
  • B4.2 Export of electric energy.
  • B4.3 Electric power marketing rate changes, within normal operating limits.
  • B4.4 Power marketing services within normal operating limits
  • B4.5 Temporary adjustments to river operations within existing operating constraints
  • B4.6 Additions/modifications to electric power transmission facilities within previously developed area.
  • B4.7 Adding/burying fiber optic cable
  • B4.8 New electricity transmission agreements for transfer of power
  • B4.9 Multiple use of DOE transmission line rights-of-way
  • B4.10 Deactivation, dismantling and removal of electric powerlines and substations.
  • B4.11 Construction or modification of electric power substations.
  • B4.12 Construction of electric powerlines approximately 10 miles in length or less, not integrating major new sources.
  • B4.13 Reconstruction and minor relocation of existing electric powerlines approximately 20 miles in length or less.
  • B5.1 Actions to conserve energy
  • B5.2 Modifications to oil/gas/geothermal pumps and piping
  • B5.3 Modification (not expansion)/abandonment of oil storage access/brine injection/gas/geothermal wells, not part of site closure
  • B5.4 Repair/replacement of sections of pipeline within maintenance provisions
  • B5.5 Construction/operation of short crude oil/gas/steam/geothermal pipeline segments
  • B5.6 Oil spill cleanup operations
  • B5.7 Import/export natural gas, no new construction
  • B5.8 Import/export natural gas, new cogeneration powerplant
  • B5.9 Temporary exemption for any electric powerplant
  • B5.10 Certain permanent exemptions for any existing electric powerplant
  • B5.11 Permanent exemption for mixed natural gas and petroleum
  • B5.12 Workover of existing oil/gas/geothermal well
  • B6.1 Small-scale, short-term cleanup actions under RCRA, Atomic Energy Act, or other authorities
  • B6.2 Siting/construction/operation of pilot-scale waste collection/treatment/stabilization/containment facilities
  • B6.3 Improvements to environmental control systems
  • B6.4 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of facility for storing packaged hazardous waste for 90 days or less
  • B6.5 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of facility for characterizing/sorting packaged waste, overpacking waste
  • B6.6 Modification of facility for storing, packaging, repacking waste (not high-level, spent nuclear fuel)
  • B6.7 Granting/denying petitions for allocation of commercial disposal capacity
  • B6.8 Modifications for waste minimization/reuse of materials
  • B6.9 Small-scale temporary measures to reduce migration of contaminated groundwater
  • B6.10 Siting/construction/operation/decommissioning of small upgraded or replacement waste storage facilities
  • B7.1 Emergency measures under the International Energy Program
  • B7.2 Import/export of special nuclear or isotopic materials

Program / Field or Site Office Tribal / Native Alaskan Area Text Search
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E)
  • Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program (ATVM)
  • Ames Site Office (Ames)
  • Argonne Site Office (Argonne)
  • Berkeley Site Office (BSO)
  • Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
  • Brookhaven Site Office (BHSO)
  • Carlsbad Field Office (WIPP) (CBFO)
  • Chicago Office (CH)
  • Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (RW)
  • Defense Science University Programs (DSUP)
  • Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE)
  • EM Consolidated Business Service Center (EMCBC)
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE)
  • Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC)
  • Environmental Management (EM)
  • Fermi Site Office (FSO)
  • Fossil Energy (FE)
  • Golden Field Office (GO)
  • Health, Safety and Security (HSS)
  • Idaho Operations Office (ID)
  • Intelligence and Counterintelligence (IN)
  • Kansas City Site Office (KCSO)
  • Lawrence Livermore Site Office (LSO)
  • Legacy Management (LM)
  • Loan Guarantee Program Office (LGPO)
  • Los Alamos Site Office (LASO)
  • National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
  • Natural Gas Regulation (FE-NGR)
  • Nevada Site Office (NSO)
  • New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL)
  • NNSA Headquarters (NNSA)
  • NNSA Proliferation Detection (NNSA/PD)
  • NNSA Service Center (NNSA/SC)
  • Nuclear Energy (NE)
  • Oak Ridge Office (OR)
  • Office of River Protection (ORP)
  • Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO)
  • Pantex Site Office (PXSO)
  • Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO)
  • Princeton Site Office (PSO)
  • Richland Operations Office (RL)
  • Rocky Mt. Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC)
  • Sandia Site Office (SSO)
  • Savannah River Operations Office (SRS)
  • Science (SC)
  • Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA)
  • Southwestern Power Administration (SWPA)
  • Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Site Office (SLAC)
  • Strategic Petroleum Reserve Field Office (SPR-PMO)
  • Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO)
  • WAPA/Colorado River Storage Project Management Center (WAPA-CRSP)
  • WAPA/Desert Southwest (WAPA-Desert Southwest)
  • WAPA/Rocky Mountain (WAPA-Rocky Mountain)
  • WAPA/Sierra Nevada (WAPA-Sierra Nevada)
  • WAPA/Upper Great Plains (WAPA-Upper Great Plains)
  • West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP)
  • Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)
  • Y-12 Site Office (YSO)
Include in search filter
Yes No
Recovery Act (ARRA)
Include in search filter
Yes No
Enter a word or phrase to search for. See the Search Help tab for additional information.

Search Parameters Tab
  • Data satisfying all of the search parameters will be displayed. For instance, if the States / Territories field is set to Arizona and the CXs  Applied field is set to B2.5, then only records where both of those conditions are met will be returned.
  • If more than one state, CX,  etc. are chosen, then all records with any of those states and any of those CXs, etc.. will be displayed.
Last Updated Stats
  • The number of new entries field specifies the number of new CX determinations added to the database at the last update.
  • The date of last update field specifies the most recent date that CX determinations were added to the database.
  • The total number of entries field specifies the number of CX determinations contained in the database.
States / Territories
  • To select items, click the check box(es) so that the check mark appears in the box.
  • To limit the search to one or more states / territories, select the item(s) of interest.
  • If no items are selected, states / territories are not used to filter the returned data.
CXs Applied
  • To select items, click the check box(es) so that the check mark appears in the box.
  • To limit the search to one or more CXs, select the items of interest.
  • To select all CXs within a group (such as B3.1, B3.2, etc.), select the group (such as B3).
  • If no items are selected, CXs are not used to filter the returned data.
Determination Date
  • Enter the desired date range for the CX Determination Date.
  • The default dates include all CX determinations in the database. 
  • The format for the entered date is MM/DD/YYYY. 
Program / Field or Site Office
  • To select items, click the check box(es) so that the check mark appears in the box.
  • To limit the search to one or more Program / Field or Site office, select the item(s) of interest.
  • If no items are selected, Program / Field or Site offices are not used to filter the returned data.
Tribal / Native Alaskan Area
  • Select "Include in search filter" to constrain the search.
  • Use this search field to identify CX determinations for projects to be located in a Tribal / Native Alaskan area.
  • Select Yes to include only CX determinations that affect these areas.
  • Select No to include only CX determinations that do not affect these areas.
Recovery Act (ARRA)
  • Select "Include in search filter" constrain the search.
  • Use this search field to identify CX determinations for projects associated with the Recovery Act.
  • Select Yes to include only CX determinations that are associated with the Recovery Act.
  • Select No to include only CX determinations that are not associated with the Recovery Act.
Text Search
  • Type a word or phrase in the area below the dashed line.
  • All CX determinations containing the search text in their project title, proposed action description, or other location fields will be returned.
  • The search is not case sensitive and does not support wildcard characters (e.g. "Energ*" or "Energ%").
Search CX Database
  • Once all of the search criteria are specified, press this button to initiate the CX database search.
Clear Search Criteria
  • Press this button to reinitialize all search parameters to their default values.
Displayed Results
  • The results returned based on the specified search criteria will appear in a display grid.  The data can be sorted, and the column sizes can be adjusted.  The results data can be exported to your local computer.  (See Displayed Results - Exporting for additional information.)
  • PDF files containing the CX determinations can be accessed by clicking "View...".
Displayed Results - Navigation
  • The results data are displayed in a multi-page format.
  • The pages can be navigated using the common browser-style navigation style controls that appear on the top left portion of the displayed data.
  • Specific pages can be accessed via the navigation controls that appear in the center of the navigation bar.
  • The page size (i.e., the number of CX determinations displayed per screen) can be set to accommodate individual user preferences.
Displayed Results - Exporting
  • The results data can be exported to a file on your local computer.
  • To export the data, click the CSV export icon, found on the upper right-hand corner of the displayed results grid.
  • The created file is named DOE_CX_DATA.CSV.  It will be saved to your internet browser's configured default download folder.
  • A CSV file can be opened using Excel.  The columns in the CSV file correspond to the columns in the results data.
Displayed Results - Sorting
  • The results data can be sorted based on any of the result fields.
  • To sort the data, click on the text contained in the column header (such as States / Territories).
  • Clicking the header text multiple times will cause the sort to switch between ascending order and descending order.
Displayed Results - View...
  • The CX Determination column contains a hyperlink to a PDF copy of the associated CX determination.  If no PDF document is available, then this field will be blank.
  • Click the "View..." hyperlink text to display the CX determination.
  • The CX determination may display in the same browser page as the results page.  If this happens, use the web browser "back" function to return to the results data.  You may be prompted to allow the browser to resend or repost the request.  Select Yes or OK to return to the results.
Display Search Options
  • Click Modify this Search to view the Search tab, keeping  your previous search criteria intact.
  • Click New Search to view the Search tab and clear to search criteria.
  • These buttons only appear if the results data were not displayed in a new browser window or tab.  See Search CX Database for more information.