The New England BLS Information Office in Boston services the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

New England News Releases and Tables

All New England News Releases and Data Tables:

Fact Sheets for Selected Areas

  • Bangor (PDF)
  • Boston (PDF)
  • Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk (PDF)
  • Danbury (PDF)
  • Hartford (PDF)
  • Maine (PDF)
  • New Hampshire (PDF)
  • New Haven (PDF)
  • Providence-Fall River-Warwick (PDF)
  • Springfield (PDF)
  • Vermont (PDF)

All New England News Releases and Tables »

New England Databases

New England Databases

Need help getting started on your database search? Below is a list of the most frequently used BLS Databases in the Regions. If these databases do not contain the information you need, please visit the appropriate Program Homepage or contact this regional office for additional assistance.

Survey Name Data Search Tool
New England Information Office (Boston, MA) Most Requested Statistics

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New England Geographic Data

New England Frequently Asked Questions


New England Special Notices

  • Research and Reports: The Prominence of Colleges and Universities in the Boston Metropolitan Area. In this regional report, employment and wage data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) are used to analyze the labor market impact and contributions of colleges and universities in the Boston area economy. The report is available at:
  • UPDATED Notice about ECI Estimates for Metropolitan Areas and Regions
  • Employment Cost Index (ECI) estimates for private industry for 14 metropolitan areas for the year ended September 2008 were released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Thursday, November 20, 2008. For each locality, two estimates are provided: 12-month percent change for total compensation and 12-month percent change for wages and salaries. The data are available in news releases for each area.

    The "Employment Cost Index for the Regions" news releases have been discontinued. However, the estimates that have appeared in those releases are available in table 6 ( and table 10 ( of the "Employment Cost Index" news release issued by the BLS National Office. Historical estimates for these series can be found at

  • Discontinuance of mailing paper copies of the Boston Metropolitan Area Consumer Price Index (CPI) press release and the New England CPI Announcement
  • As of April 1, 2008, subscribers will no longer receive paper copies of the Boston Metropolitan Area CPI press release (HTML) (PDF) and the New England CPI Announcement in the mail. Both the Boston Metropolitan Area CPI press release and the New England CPI Announcement will continue to be available through the Bureau's Web site.

    A free email subscription service is available for the CPI announcement. Shortly after the CPI announcement is posted online each month, subscribers to this service receive an email message containing a link to the announcement. The subscription form with a list of available regional office CPI summaries (blue cards) is located at

    The mailing of regional CPI announcements (summaries) and other regional publications is being discontinued as a result of unanticipated budget constraints faced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. See for details.

  • 100 Years of U.S. Consumer Spending: Data for the Nation, New York City, and Boston In this new report, authors Michael L. Dolfman and Denis M. McSweeney use consumer expenditure data longitudinally and draw on information from decennial census reports to present a 100-year history of significant changes in consumer spending, economic status, and family demographics in the country as a whole, as well as in New York City and Boston. The report is available at

Contact the New England Regional Office


Automated Information Service: (617) 565-2327

  • Recorded messages - 24 hours a day
  • Personal assistance - 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern time

Email address:

Mailing Address:

Bureau of Labor Statistics
JFK Federal Building, Room E-310
Boston, MA 02203

Fax:  (617) 565-4182

  • Sales of BLS publications
  • You can email your request to us