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Region 1 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut Region 2 New York and New Jersey LMRO (Lower Manhattan Recovery Office) Region 3 Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia Region 4 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, the Territories of  The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands Region 5 Illinois, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan Region 6 Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico Region 7 Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas Region 8 Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and North Dakota Region 9 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada,territories of Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands Region 9 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada,territories of Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands Region 10 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska Region 10 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska
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Planning & Environment

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Transportation planning provides a foundation for making good decisions. Transportation planners analyze information on existing and future travel patterns, problems, and needs; develop and evaluate alternative solutions to meet these needs; and develop short and long range plans and programs to implement transportation improvements. Transportation planners work for and with a variety of stakeholders including local, regional, and state governments and agencies; transportation planning, funding, and operating entities; and the private sector. Transportation planners are further engaged in a number of technical analyses, including travel forecasting; capital, operations, and maintenance costing; environmental, social, land use, and other impacts analyses; project, program, and systems performance measurement and evaluation; and financial planning.

FTA supports transportation planners and the transportation planning practice in a number of ways. FTA administers metropolitan planning (49 USC §5303) and statewide planning (49 USC §5304) grant programs to help fund the multimodal transportation planning efforts of metropolitan planning organizations and state departments of transportation. FTA formula funding (49 USC §5307) may also be used by grantees to support their planning needs. FTA also provides technical assistance on a broad range of planning topics including regional and statewide planning and programming; corridor planning for major capital investments; environmental project reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and related laws; travel demand forecasting and analysis; capital costing; operations planning and costing; financial planning and analysis; land use planning; and public involvement.

In cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, FTA provides a variety of assistance and resources on planning and environmental procedures and methods, including the joint Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program; support of the transportation planning certification review process; implementation of the conformity provisions of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990; and travel demand forecasting through the Travel Model Improvement Program.

FTA planning assistance is organized within the following three areas: transportation systems planning, project planning and development, and environmental review of proposed projects.

New! Final Guidance on Railroad ROW Acquisition

On April 30, 2009, FTA announced the availability of Final Guidance on the Application of 49 U.S.C. 5324(c), Railroad Corridor Preservation.  The guidance explains FTA's interpretation of the provision in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)  which allows the acquisition of pre-existing railroad right-of-way, under certain conditions, before the completion of the environmental review for a transit project that would use the right-of-way.  This guidance is available on FTA's Real Estate website.






South Florida Regional Transportation Authority - Tie work during the Double Track project. Learn more about RTA on their website: http://www.tri-rail.com/
South Florida Regional Transportation Authority - Tie work during the Double Track project. Learn more about RTA on their website: http://www.tri-rail.com/

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