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Sales tax crucial to Jefferson Parish school system operations, officials say

Published: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 4:00 PM     Updated: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 11:22 PM

Until 1993, Jefferson Parish public school students were suspended and sent home for minor infractions such as showing disrespect and disrupting class.

delesdernier.JPGMichael Delesdernier

Then voters approved a half-cent sales tax, with some of the proceeds going toward an in-school suspension program for middle and high school students.

Rather than have students sit home doing nothing, or worse, get in trouble on the streets, they were instead sent to one of four school-based centers, where they did their school work while learning about conflict resolution, character development and other social skills.

Voters renewed the sales tax 10 years later, and on April 30, they will decide whether to renew it again. Jefferson Parish school officials say without the money, the program could be drastically cut, or eliminated altogether.

But that's not all the school system finances with the sales tax. With Superintendent Diane Roussel already warning about possible layoffs, failure of the sales tax would almost assure that many employees would lose their jobs.

"It would be a different school system," board President Michael Delesdernier said. "We will have to cut pay or cut people, or both. We will have to eliminate services. We will have to increase class size. There's no other way around it."

The sales tax represents $37 million of the school system's $400 million budget.

In addition to the in-school suspension program, the tax pays for social workers and counselors in elementary schools, updated textbooks and instructional materials, debt repayment and capital projects and maintenance. About 40 percent of the proceeds pays for salaries for teachers and support workers, including those charged with running the in-school suspension program.

"We have eight centers, with a certified teacher and paraprofessional at each site," said Carol Mancuso, director of Safe/Drug Free Schools. "It's an attempt to teach students (with minor infractions) socially acceptable behavior while keeping them in school so they're not on the street or home watching TV."

Cedric_Floyd_.jpgCedric Floyd

The social worker/counselor program is geared to students in elementary and middle school.

"The staff handles every possible issue that students have, ranging from being upset over a grade, having a fight with a friend, all the way to the more serious problems of facing a traumatic family loss," said Sam Hillson, coordinator of social work.

In addition, he said, crisis teams go into the schools to help students cope with the death of a student, teacher or other school employee. After Hurricane Katrina, social workers received special training to help students recover from the storm.

"We deal with social issues just like the Sheriff's Office and just like social services," Delesdernier said. "We are thrown into that mix."

Several groups have endorsed the tax, including the Jefferson Federation of Teachers, the Jefferson Business Council and the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee. While there appears to be no organized opposition, board member Cedric Floyd said he thinks this is the wrong time to ask voters to renew the tax.

"I feel that this board does not have its house in order in terms of the direction of the school system," he said.

He said that until the board deals with the "bloated" salaries of the central office staff, voters will be reluctant to approve the tax, even if it is a renewal.

Superintendent Diane Roussel, who is retiring June 30, makes $254,000 and is the highest paid superintendent in Louisiana. The salaries of her staff range from $95,000 to $157,000.

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Several board members have indicated the next superintendent will be paid less than Roussel and that pay raises will be based on improvements in the system's accountability ranking. The system now ranks 52nd out of 70 Louisiana districts.

Because the salex tax does not expire until the end of 2012, Floyd said the board should have waited to put the tax on the ballot until after a new superintendent is hired.

If it does fail, Delesdernier said, the board will try again. He said he hopes voters recognize that the board, which has five new members, is working hard to spend money wisely and refocus on academics.

He said the board, for example, saved $1.7 million by opening up the property and liability insurance program to competition.

He said the board also plans to reduce the central office staff but is waiting on the results of an independent study on the school system. That study will help the board determine how to proceed with budget cuts, building consolidation and staff restructuring, Delesdernier said.

He criticized Floyd for not helping the board present a united front in favor of the tax.

"Both labor and business groups are in support of this tax," he said. "They've come together for the sake of the children. He (Floyd) is free to say whatever he wants, but it's very, very short sighted."

Barri Bronston can be reached at bbronston@timespicayune.com or 504.883.7058.

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bugmenot April 21, 2011 at 4:25PM

No it's not. It's crucial to the lining of Jefferson Parish Politicians. When the Superintendent banks more than $250,000 and the kids can't determine the difference between the three "theres", and the school system ranks pathetically low, money isn't the solution. Firing incompetence and readjusting where the money flows is.

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LadyLilith April 21, 2011 at 4:29PM

"I feel that this board does not have its house in order in terms of the direction of the school system," he said. He said that until the board deals with the "bloated" salaries of the central office staff, voters will be reluctant to approve the tax, even if it is a renewal."


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amiserious? April 21, 2011 at 4:39PM

Vote NO NO NO. These politicians and government workers are robbing us blind with their ridiculous benefits and early retirements. It's time to scale the money back to the bones and make people responsible for THEMSELVES. CUT GOVERNMENT IN HALF !

Don't believe their sympathy whining about schools needing money, its all BS !

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nolasurvivor April 21, 2011 at 4:43PM

I will vote for all tax "renewals".
This is not a new tax.....
Don't get caught up in the Tea Party whining:)

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omigoodness April 21, 2011 at 6:06PM

I will vote for renewals but nothing else. I am also tired of paying everyone's bills.

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SistaSally3 April 21, 2011 at 10:24PM

They say that the 3 taxes in Jefferson are renewals but if you read the report of Bureau of Governmental Research. (Story was...Jefferson Parish tax renewals endorsed by Bureau of Governmental Research Tuesday, April 12, 2011) you will see they are renewal but with an increase in the millage!

Drainage includes a increase.
Animal Shelter includes a increase.
Juvenile Services also includes a increase.

And I can't vote for the school tax which is a true renewal because I think their budget is out of control!

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modernman April 22, 2011 at 9:19AM

I don't disagree that there are areas where the school system can become more efficient, financially; however, for people who always talk about the children, did you all read the articles? This will cut critical services to students. Psychological services, counselors, are greatly needed in this area. Ever look at the crime reports?
Also, you will see a significant reduction in staff, more than likely teachers, if this renewal does not pass. So, if you think kids aren't achieving acceptably now, wait until the class sizes increase by 3-5 students.
I get why everyone is against taxes. We have been taxed and spent erroneously by governments, state and federal, and seen our money used to throw away at wasteful programs and pet projects. But, this is money that appears to go directly to the students. Stop whining about the superintendent's pay. She is leaving effective June 1. A new superintendent is coming.
If you don't want to vote for the millage renewals, increases, whatever, don't. But, education is at a critical point right now and taking away 37 million dollars from the system right now, with new board members, and the current economic situation across the area and country is, in my opinion, short sighted. You cant see the forest for the trees.
Look, I am conservative and have listened to Hannity and Limbaugh and the like, as well. What Hannoty and Limbaugh do not mention is that all of their education opinions are not rooted in experience. How often do Hannity and Limbaugh volunteer in a public school in an urban area? They have no clue what goes on in a school on a daily basis. Do you?
Another ignorant statement by Limbaugh stated that "All public school teachers are liberals who belong to unions and indoctrinate American kids, on a daily basis, into the liberal way of thinking." This is absolutely false. I know MANY teachers and the vast majority are extremely conservative and work their rear ends off. They want nothing more than they earn.
Volunteer in your neighborhood public school, I do. They will welcome your help. Go look at what the teachers do and how hard they work. Look at how full the classrooms are and how badly schools need repairs. Go try and prove your opinions before you make all your decisions from the make-believe reality of your home.
Again, I feel the same about limiting government's access to our money due to the decades of rampant waste. But, this school system needs this renewal. The students and teachers need this renewal. I will be voting yes. Voting against this renewal will be counterproductive.
The sad thing is if this renewal fails to pass, the same people screaming for voting no will be the same ones screaming if test scores decline, never mind that student-teacher ratios went up as a result of this tax renewal failure and major reductions in services decline. Worried about crime? Cause more harm to education and you will help increase it.

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bugmenot April 23, 2011 at 12:11AM

But if these renewals aren't passed, won't it make for the administrators to start funneling the monies from their lavish and excessive wasteful spending into what is critical- the students? Surely it's great wishful thinking, but the tighter you make their budget, the less they have to steal and pamper themselves with, so they'll realize that they must have to start spending the money the right way and put it where it belongs and where it's supposed to go especially since they're under such scrutiny now.

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IT'sTimePeople April 21, 2011 at 5:01PM

Just because it’s a “Renewal” doesn’t mean you vote for it! NOLASURVIVOR you might want to walk through some of the schools to see the waste. There are teachers with 8 children in a classroom . There are teachers who just walk around “helping”! IT'S TIME JEFFERSON PARISH PEOPLE GET THEIR HEADS OUT OF THE SAND! I voted my boarded member out, but it doesn’t mean the problem is fixed! FIX the problem and then ask for more money! While “DR.” Roussel collects her pay, I have to purchase supplies myself to allow my wife to do her job.
I am not a member of the Tea Party! Just a working class person who can't afford to continue allowing this to go forward.

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Bernd April 21, 2011 at 6:01PM

nola's reports are too selective. you may do the homework: positive reports percentage vs negative reports percentage. It is hard to find positive reports from your newspaper or web reports. Those reports let the readers feel there is nothing JP school board has never done right.

e.g. recently New Orleans Day School hosted its 5th annual math contest, there are 18 schools from 3 parishes, most of them are from private sector. Only very few of pub schools sent their students. The results: Public schools won all 3 spots of the 2nd place of the individual contest , 4 of 6 spots of the 3rd place of the individual contests. Public schools also won the team the 2nd and 3rd place. Also need to say, the students from public school even have not been coached for such contests.

also the average leap of the JP schools ranked low, however JP school does have scored as the top one for many years in the state. You never reported such news.

Yesterday JP school board commited another event - the school ball dancing competition 2011, there are about 3000 of the audiences - most of them are the parents. There are the 300 school kids who participated in competition.

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omigoodness April 21, 2011 at 6:04PM

Where are there 8 students to a room and a roaming teacher helping? Please name the school if you are going to make these statements. Also the teachers and students will be the ones who suffer. No one is going to clear out central office.

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sinjeansmythe April 21, 2011 at 8:35PM

I think the "in school suspension" is a horrible idea. If junior's behavior merits giving him the boot for the day, call mom or dad to come and get their unruly child. When mom or dad has to leave work a number of times to get their kid, and their employment situation is in jeapardy, junior will get whacked, at home. The parents will then get serious about dealing with their kids.

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Bovine Substance April 21, 2011 at 9:17PM

Money has and is not the problem with the poor education is Louisiana or any other Souther State for that matter. The problem is that the schools are run as social projects instead of academic education.

VOTE NO! Let them know we want results before we waste another dime in a very poorly run education system. Many other better performing systems are run with a whole lot less money!

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IT'sTimePeople April 25, 2011 at 9:17AM

omigoodness, My wife will not agree to allow me to name the school! I have called and met with our board member about this and other problems of waste. They told me that there is little that can be done, as this is how you have to "Play the game"! Omigoodness- I like you go to work everyday an make my living through hard work! They need to do the same. PLEASE vote no and make them clean up!

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sped teacher April 26, 2011 at 12:09AM

To all of the voters who want to vote no, keep in mind that all it will do is force layoffs for younger teachers - the ones who are actually making a difference. No one in central office or the retired return to work do nothings will not be affected. I am also tired of all the middle / upper class voters in Jefferson parish comparing the scores of the district to that of their private school educated child. There is no comparison- the majority of the students attending public school in Jefferson parish are poor, MANY have severe behavior and learning problems, which make teaching them extremely difficult. Imagine having kids tell you all day that they don't want to learn, or better yet - them throwing a fit to get out of "learning". Despite this I still go to work everyday and give my class 110%, as do a lot of teachers in Jefferson. If the public wants accountability then they need to start with PARENTAL responsibility.

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