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Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Best of the Rest
Israeli officials: Former UN atomic chief ElBaradei was an Iranian agent 2 — Doug Ross
An Open Letter To “progressive” Politicians 0 — Michael Fell
Herman Cain’s “progressive” Lynching 2 — Michael Fell
A Proposal on Personhood 26 — Warner Todd Huston
Ripping Off California at the Speed of High Speed Rail 3 — Warner Todd Huston
When All Else Fails, Tax the Internet! 0 — Unicorn Jones
Who’s Up For A Christmas Tree Tax? 24 — William Teach
Hypocrisy Alert: OccupyOakland Puts $20K In Wells Fargo Account 3 — William Teach
Why The Latest Sexual Harassment Allegations Are Probably A Deathblow For Cain 21 — John Hawkins
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Best of the Rest
Let’s Blame OWS for a Few Bad Apples 0 — Rich Stowell
MSNBC Discusses North Carolina’s Forced Sterilization Program, Avoids Mentioning The D Word 0 — William Teach
One Chance That a President Mitt Romney Wouldn’t Be So Bad 0 — Warner Todd Huston
Death By Regulations: Has Obama Lost Senator Blanche Lincoln? 2 — Warner Todd Huston
Oops! Rich Got Richer Under Obama And Clinton 66 — William Teach
Good News! Iran On Brink Of Having Nuclear Weapons 9 — William Teach
Leonard Pitts: Only Liberals Like Me Are Allowed To Play The Race Card! 11 — John Hawkins
Thought Of The Day #2: Can Liberals At Least Now Admit… 16 — John Hawkins
Thought Of The Day: How Many People Will Die Because Of Occupy Wall Street? 5 — John Hawkins
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Best of the Rest
Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich Debate Lincoln-Douglas Style Tonight In The Woodlands Texas 1 — Kathleen McKinley
Fox 6 Milwaukee: fourth-graders on field trip were made participate in an anti-Walker protest. 4 — TrogloPundit
How many CIA analysts does it take to screw in a light bulb? 0 — TrogloPundit
Your Obligatory Herman Cain Scandal Post 1 — Morgan Freeberg
If You Don’t Believe In The Climate Change Hoax, You’ll Spontaneously Combust 36 — William Teach
Occupiers Finally Occupy Washington, Still Missing The Mark 9 — William Teach
“The 10 Best Star Trek Episodes” 2 — Craig Newmark
“Vin Scully Remembers His Greatest Calls” 0 — Craig Newmark
It’s Time for the Occupy Mob to Call It Quits 14 — John Hawkins
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