Right Pundits

May 2nd, 2011

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Thank God For President Obama’ (Video)

Rush Limbaugh began his show today thanking God for President Obama in regards to the death of Osama bin Laden. Of course, Rush was being facetious. Most of the monolog consisted of Limbaugh thanking Obama for still carrying out the agenda of George W. Bush, such as keeping Club GITMO open in Guantanamo Bay. During this opening segment, Rush Limbaugh sarcastically credited Obama as being the only person in Washington, DC who came up with a plan to send in a Navy SEAL team to either capture or kill Osama bin Laden. Early reports of top Pentagon officials originally proposed using two B-2 stealth bombers to annihilate the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, about 30 miles northeast of the capitol of Islamabad.

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Rush Limbaugh fools media praising President Obama. Image Credit: Chris Conners/WENN.com.

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May 2nd, 2011

Time Line – Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. Navy SEALS

While facts are still sketchy on how the U.S. Navy SEAL team assaulted the compound and killed Osama bin Laden, here is a time line based on what we know so far. During his address to the nation last night, President Barack Obama said that he had some five National Security meetings concerning the possibility that bin Laden was hiding in a compound in Abbottabad, about 62 miles north of Pakistani capitol Islamabad. While Obama said that they began to get actionable intelligence in August of 2010, the picture is forming that important pieces of data began putting us on Osama bin Laden’s trail some four years ago.


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May 1st, 2011

9/11 Video – Why We Never Forgot

After ten long years, and two seemingly endless wars, our nation now has confirmation that the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden has finally occurred. Following is the video of the 9/11 attacks on the WTC that murdered over 3,000 innocent Americans.

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May 1st, 2011


Osama Bin Laden is dead! Sources are buzzing as information filters in about the death of the head of Al Qaeda. Early reports are that he was killed a week ago in a mansion outside of Islamabad, Pakistan. Some say either a bomb or Predator drone strike. Other say possibly a U.S. Special Forces attack killed him with gunfire. Either way, the United States recovered or took possession of his body. DNA tests now confirm that Osama Bin Laden is dead!

osama bin laden fbi

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May 1st, 2011

2012 Republican Presidential Nominee Odds (May 2011)

Intrade.com has been updating its odds on who the Republican Presidential nominee will be next year. Here are the latest odds that are given; in parenthesis is the change from the last time we published this, about a month ago.

The firm also has provided the probability that currently, the over-under for a Republican to be elected against Obama next year is 39.4%. Under a formula that I put together in 2008, this corresponds to the Republican candidate receiving 46.7% of the popular vote against him.

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May 1st, 2011

2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Support – Polls (May 2011)


According to the polling that has occurred since our discussion and analysis last month, we are beginning to see some changes in the polling, especially in the last few days. However, Mike Huckabee remains in first place, and earns having his photo here.

The polls that we are using are derived from the Real Clear Politics listing of polls.

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May 1st, 2011

Mitt Romney – ‘Hang’ Obama Gaffe

Oops! During a Republican gathering in New Hampshire featuring Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann as speakers, Romney made a gaffe which could cost him dearly. Referring to how in 1980, Ronald Reagan hung the Misery Index around Jimmy Carter, Romney said “Well, we’re going to have to hang the Obama Misery Index around his neck.” Romney then realized the imagery of his statement, of hanging a black man, and back-peddled immediately adding he was speaking “metaphorically”.

mitt romney

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May 1st, 2011

Right Review: Defining Liberty by Ron Paul

There is little doubt in my mind that the new book, Liberty Defined by Ron Paul, was written by the Texas Congressman as a position paper for his 2012 presidential campaign. Subtitled, “50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom”, Dr. Paul lays out his views on a wide range of topics. The issues are organized alphabetically, from Abortion to Zionism, for ease of use. The book is Ron Paul at his best, distilling complex subjects down to their fundamental components, then making a rational argument for his views on them.

liberty defined ron paul
Liberty Defined by Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) gives the reader a clear guide to what the 2012 presidential candidate thinks about 50 major issues of our time. Image of book cover courtesy of Grand Central Publishing.

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