Welcome To My World

Welcome To My World
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About the Show

'Welcome To My World' features intimate experiences of two Maasai Warriors, Jackson and Wilson, on their first journey outside of Kenya to participate in We Day in Canada. 

Produced in conjunction with WE DAY, the documentary follows Jackson and Wilson as they experience Canada. They meet up with Al Gore, K’naan, Martin Sheen, Pinball Clemens, Hedley, and Jessi Cruickshank; visit with friends they have made through their work with Free The Children in Kenya; and take in some Canadian experiences such as the CN Tower, a Hedley concert, an Argos game, bowling, etc.

'Welcome To My World' also explores who these warriors really are: if they want to marry and how many times, their desire for children, the value they place on education, and just what it means to be the last generation of true Maasai Warriors.

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