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  • Clip 1 of 18
    CTV has all the coverage for William and Kate's big day! Meet CTV's Royal Wedding team, broadcasting from jolly old London, England.
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  • Clip 2 of 18
    Coverage continues; Guests start arriving at Westminster Abbey.
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  • Clip 3 of 18
    Jeanne Beker talks to Hilary Alexander, Fashion Director from the Daily Telegraph, about Kate's dress; Lisa LaFlamme discusses the dress with David Emanuel, who designed Princess Diana's wedding gown.
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  • Clip 4 of 18
    Royal Security is a 'Ring of Steel'; Guests continue to arrive; Celebrations begin in the streets and parks.
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  • Clip 5 of 18
    Coverage continues; At the news desk, Lisa LaFlamme and team discuss why this wedding is generating so much attention.
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  • Clip 6 of 18
    Graham Richardson talks to Lt. Col. Marc Overton about the military's involvement in this special day; David and Victoria Beckham arrive; Ben Mulroney talks to Canadians on the streets of London.
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