Notice: Today social media is woven into the fabric of every major corporation, small business, government, and everyday life. The past 8 years have marked an incredible evolution of what started as a phenomenon and is now driving multi-billion dollar enterprises. When we launched BlogPulse in 2003, we never could have dreamed where social media would take us all. That's why it can only be called bittersweet to find ourselves now retiring BlogPulse. We're doing this, in part, to concentrate our efforts on bringing the most advanced technology to market to help people and companies navigate today's social media landscape and prepare for what is sure to be a dynamic future in this space. The myriad social options beyond blogs available today means we have our work cut out for us. Thank you to those of you who have used BlogPulse over the years - and stay tuned for new resources we expect to make available at
This site will no longer be available after Friday January 13th, 2012.


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