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Sport safety
A variety in sports may be better for children in preventing sport injuries.
Early autism
Doctors have a new tool to detect the settle signs of autism at an early stage.
Mixing medications
A new study shows common pain relievers may interfere with how well antidepressants work.
Allergy battle
Both weather and pollution can affect how bad your allergies are this season.
Salt therapy
An NBC reporter takes a look at salt therapy used to treat asthma and other ailments.
Birth control pill
Two new studies suggest the newer generation of birth control pills can increase the risk of blood clots.
Frigid therapy
A new treatment of 'cold' therapy is available to help the body heal.
Tattoo removal
How effective are over-the-counter tattoo removal creams?
Concussion study
Calgary researchers say much more needs to be done to ensure concussions don't sideline professional hockey players or end their careers.
Therapeutic yoga
Branch of yoga focuses on healing both physical, and mental conditions.
New learning
A new study demonstrates how young children learn new words.
Spread silently
Study shows people who test positive for genital herpes don't always show symptoms.
Parent's health
New research finds people who have children gain weight and become less active.
Retail therapy
A new study suggests that retail therapy can be good for you.
Therapy dogs
Therapy dogs have been proven to ease the mind of cancer patients waiting to receive treatment.
On the map
Amazing discoveries and scientific breakthroughs that came out of Vancouver.
Estrogen study
Study finds risks and benefits to hormone replacement therapy.
Safe procedure
A look at yet another less invasive heart procedure that involves the wrist.
Dukan diet
An NBC reporter on the dangers of a new fad diet that is coming to North America.
Hand washing
A new study finds electronic faucets in public washrooms may not be as clean as we think.
BPA worries
New study finds swapping out canned food for fresh vegetables lowers levels of BPA.
Drastic diet?
Controversial new diet helps people lose weight -- and not feel hungry.
Natural remedies
As spring pollen sets allergies ablaze, what are some helpful natural remedies?
Radiation risk?
Are there any detrimental health risks to going through full body scanners at airports?
With practice and treatment, stuttering is a problem that can be overcome.
Dog bites
Doctors examine the effects dog bites can have on children and the importance of educating children on dogs.
Home remedies
Doctors look at the science behind home remedies and sort out the ones that really work.
Sex dangers
A new study says if you aren't physically active, sex might be dangerous for you.
Gastric lap band
A new study suggests patients who receive gastric lap band surgery may face long term problems.
Harmful run?
Can running be an impediment to the body, and what effect does it have in the long run?
Risky diets
The high-protein and low-carb diets may be good for losing weight, but what effects does it have on your colon.
Types of asthma
A new study shows that asthma affects both men and women, but in different ways.
Kidney program
A number of restaurants are including kidney smart options on their menu as part of a new program.
Postpartum depression
A new study shows men, not just women, are prone to this type of clinical depression.
Smoking effects
U.S. researchers discovered a new blood test that accurately detects early development in emphysema in smokers.
Benefits of coffee
New research says drinking coffee can decrease the risk of stroke in women.
Brain tumours
A new surgery using high-tech equipment allows for the removal of certain brain tumours through the nose.
Autism disorders range in symptoms and many kids with asperger syndrome can live fulfilling lives.
Electronics and sleep
Using a cell phone, watching television or using other electronic gadgets before going to bed affects your sleep.
Long life
If you want to live a long, healthy life, it is important to eat right. It starts with a plant-based diet.
Wearing comfortable footwear to work is really important. If you don't, it may affect you in the future.
Prostate cancer
There may be a new option for treating prostate cancer. A drug appears to slow the growth of tumors.
Type 2 diabetes
A new study looks at a gene mutation linked to type 2 diabetes, which leads to better treatment.
Mercury levels
Products containing mercury can cause serious problems when they end up in the food chain.
Child fever
New guidelines tell parents to not get overly stressed as soon as their child gets a fever.
Hot flashes
A new study suggests that hot flashes may be good for your heart.
Young man's cancer
Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself against testicular cancer.
Air pollution
Researchers have found just how risky air pollution really is.
Cellphone effects
A new study finds the use of cellphones can change how the brain works.
Prevent aging
A study shows exercising regularly can prevent premature aging.
Knee replacement surgery
Being overweight can cause joint problems that can lead to knee replacement surgery.
Light bulb lupus risks
There are concerns that CFL bulbs could put some people at risk.
New treatment
A new type of treatment can help treat spinal cord injuries.
Doctor choices
Whether you are seeing a walk-in doctor or regular doctor, you can optimize your care.



Healthy Gift Ideas

Where to find the healthy gift ideas mentioned on the Your Health segment.

Esophagus cancer is on the rise – and acid reflux may be to blame.  (CTV)

Esophagus cancer is on the rise

Esophagus cancer is on the rise - and acid reflux may be to blame.

CTV reporter Brent Gilbert has blood drawn by a nurse at Vancouver General Hospital after suffering a stroke in March 2010.

Stroke: A survival guide

Award-winning TV reporter describes debilitating stroke

Dr. Rhonda Low

Contact Dr. Rhonda Low

Got a great story idea for Your Health? Email us here.

Dr. Rhonda Low's bio

Dr. Rhonda Low hosts Your Health weekdays on CTV British Columbia, providing current information on today's health issues.