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May 2, 2011 at 13:05:53

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Bin Laden Politics: Who are we and what did we become?

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By Bill Wetzel (about the author)       Page 1 of 3 page(s)
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Osama Bin Laden is dead.

But what does that mean?

I remember the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was sleeping soundly in my bed in a student apartment complex in Seattle.   I was about a week away from graduating with a Video Production degree at the Art Institute of Seattle. I just had bone chips surgically removed from my left elbow, the culmination of nagging bull riding and wrestling injuries. It was a complex time for me. The pain of a surgery; the elation of being the first member of my immediate family to have a college degree.  

Abruptly my alarm went off.         

It was my day off, but I forgot to reset it from the day before when I had to do some early morning editing on my video demo reel. I jumped. Then after getting my bearings I groggily reached up to turn the alarm off. But I paused and listened to the news alert broadcasting over the airwaves. Something had happened in New York City. Something about the World Trade Center.

For a second, I thought it was some random entertainment people talking about a James Patterson novel where terrorists conduct a plot in and around the WTC area. My video/film obsessed mind thought they were maybe making that novel into another action film.

But this was different.

It even felt different.

Within a few seconds I realized that this wasn't a film. It was real, and something horrible had happened. Our nation was under attack. It was dreadful. I walked through that day like I was in a nightmare. Felt like I was moving in slow motion. None of it seemed believable. Planes took out the Twin Towers? One hit the Pentagon? Another crashed in a Pennsylvania field?

I was never a fan of George W. Bush. Never thought too much of the guy really. But that night I prayed for him. I prayed for all of us, but specifically for him. I wanted him to do a great job. I wanted him to hunt down the people who perpetrated the attacks against our country.

After all, I am an American. And he was the president of our country.

I didn't see a divide there.

This was the one thing all Americans had to be on the same page on.


In those days after 9/11, I went from feeling like we were all Americans, united and strong, to feeling something else altogether. I became disgusted at our petty divisions. Not ones that may be valid, but ones that were consistently exploited. Particularly for political gain. I grew up with apolitical friendships, never knowing or caring much about the political beliefs of my friends. As a result, I know lots of right-wing people who I'd probably take a bullet for and vice versa.   I used to laugh when people would criticize Bill Clinton about guns or something I didn't really agree with. It was just a light-hearted disagreement.

But after 9/11, I noticed how there were political forces and groups that thrived off those divisions. It got to be mean-spirited, cynical, or even evil on certain levels. Everything was always couched in "The war against"" language or with nefarious terms like "the _____agenda".   So now if I believed that gay people should be allowed to marry, I had an "agenda".   It seemed to me that the Republican establishment, in particular, always had to paint those who disagree with them as an enemy.

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Bill Wetzel is a Blackfeet Indian and a coauthor of the short story collection "The Acorn Gathering". He has written for the Arizona Daily Wildcat and Red Ink Magazine and been anthologized in the Studies In Indian Literatures series. Follow him at: (more...)

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Thank you all for reading. by Bill Wetzel on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 1:05:53 PM
Bill: by Ned Lud on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 1:48:43 PM
like Obama said about the toronados by Rob Kall on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 1:06:47 PM

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