The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering 98 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry.

QCEW News Releases

County Employment and Wages

March 29, 2011

Elkhart, Ind., had the biggest over-the-year percentage increase in employment, 6.8 percent in September 2010. Rock Island, Ill., had the largest increase in average weekly wages in the third quarter of 2010, 12.2 percent. More...

Quarterly Releases

Annual Data Tables:

  • Average Annual Wages for All Covered Workers by State (TXT) (PDF)
  • Average Annual Wages for All Covered Workers by Metropolitan Area (TXT) (PDF)
  • Average Annual Wages for All Covered Workers by Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (TXT) (PDF)

Discontinued Annual Releases

Archived News Releases


QCEW Databases


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Tables Text Files
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State and County Wages
(Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages - QCEW)
  Top Picks One Screen Data Search Multi Screen Data Search   Text Files



Calculator Name Calculator Tutorial
Location Quotient
Provides a way to readily compare the industrial activity levels among different areas of the country.
Calculator Calculator

More Tools

  • Series Report —Already know the series identifier for the statistic you want? Use this shortcut to retrieve your data.
  • Flat files available via FTP Downloads.
    • Download flat files of the entire database or large subset of the database.
    • For assistance accessing *.end and *.enb text files please refer to our tutorial.


All CEW Databases


QCEW Reporting Data


QCEW Publications


QCEW Frequently Asked Questions


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Contact QCEW

Contact Us

For QCEW economic data questions

Telephone: (202) 691-6567

Written inquiries: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Room 4840, 2 Massachusetts Ave., NE, Washington, D.C. 20212

For QCEW forms received in the mail or online

Duplicate or online forms
Mutliple worksite Report (MWR): (877) 222-0955 or e-mail
Industry Verification Form (ARS)

For more information on data collection forms, please follow QCEW Reporting on the QCEW homepage.

For related data sources

  • Occupational Employment Statistics Homepage
  • Current Employment Statistics Homepage
  • Local Area Unemployment Statistics Homepage
  • Census Bureau Homepage
  • For state-published data

    The cooperating State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) have labor market information offices that publish and disseminate QCEW data for their states.