Business Employment Dynamics is a set of statistics generated from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, or ES-202, program. These quarterly data series consist of gross job gains and gross job losses statistics from 1992 forward. These data help to provide a picture of the dynamic state of the labor market.

BDM News Releases

Business Employment Dynamics: Second Quarter, 2010

February 01, 2011

From March 2010 to June 2010 the number of gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments increased to 6.9 million. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments fell to a series low of 6.2 million. More...


  • Quarterly Data on Business Employment Dynamics (HTML) (PDF) — this release includes updates for the private sector as a whole and for firm size classes.
  • Quarterly Data From BLS on Business Employment Dynamics by State (TXT) (PDF) — State-level Business Employment Dynamics.
  • Firm Size Class Quarterly Data (HTML) (PDF) — this initial release of firm size class data includes analysis of data series that begin in 1992.
  • County Employment and Wages (HTML) (PDF)
  • Subscribe to the BLS News Service — receive the Quarterly Data on Business Employment Dynamics news releases by e-mail.



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More Tools

  • Series Report —Already know the series identifier for the statistic you want? Use this shortcut to retrieve your data.
  • Flat files FTP Site —For those who want it all. Download a flat file of the entire database or large subset of the database.


BDM Data Files and Charts


BDM Publications


BDM Frequently Asked Questions


BDM Special Notices

  • Assessing the Timeliness of Business Births in BLS Establishment Statistics (PDF 71K)


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Contact BDM

Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics
Business Employment Dynamics
Suite 4840
2 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20212-0001