NLS News Releases

Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth Among the Youngest Baby Boomers: Results From A Longitudinal Survey [NLSY79 Round 24]

July 25, 2012

The average person born in the latter years of the baby boom held 11.3 jobs from ages 18 to 46, with nearly half of these jobs held from ages 18 to 24. More...

America's Young Adults at 24: School Enrollment, Training, and Employment Transitions Between Ages 23 and 24 Summary [NLSY97 Round 13]

February 09, 2012

A study of 24 year-olds reveals that men averaged 5.1 jobs and women 5.6 jobs from ages 18 to 24. High school dropouts were employed 55% of weeks compared to 75% for high school graduates. Seven percent of male high school graduates who never attended college were in the military at age 24. More...
