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:: Tariff Affairs - Frequently Asked Questions

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arrow Why can't I find my product when I search for the name?

arrow How can I find the classification of a product?

arrow There is more than one rate shown where my product is classified. Which rate would be applicable to my product?

arrow What do the codes in the Special rate column mean?

arrow What do the abbreviations in the Unit of Quantity column mean?

arrow Can the HTS number be used to classify exports?

arrow Do I have to pay duty if I import something for my personal use?

arrow Where can I find trade statistics? Where can I find what certain companies are importing?

arrow What are the tariffs for goods sent to other countries?

arrow What documents do I need to import? What duties and other charges are collected by Customs? Is the product I plan to import restricted?

arrow What value is used to calculate ad valorem duties?

arrow How can I find items that have changed recently in the HTS?

arrow Do other countries use the same classification system?


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