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Executive Briefings on Trade

-Promoting the active exchange of ideas-

The Executive Briefings on Trade keep the Commission and the public current on domestic and global activities that affect U.S. trade, investment, and competitiveness. They reflect the opinions and research of individual authors and are not the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission or any of its individual Commissioners.


U.S. Agricultural Exports: Global Leader During 2005-10 with Continued Record Exports Projected in 2011
George Serletis
March 2011

Supplies of Critical Rare Earths to U.S. Industries are Constrained by China's Policies
Renee Berry and Mihir Torsekar
March 2011

Agriculture Policy in India: The Role of Input Subsidies
Nick Grossman and Dylan Carlson
March 2011


India's Medical Device Sector: Increasing U.S. Export Opportunities
Mihir Torsekar
June 2010


Sub-Saharan Africa Exports Dominated by the U.S. and EU Though Composition Differs Substantially
Arona Butcher, Eric Cardenas, and Cathy Jabara
August 2009

Dynamism & Diversity in U.S.-BRIC Trade
Alexander Hammer
August 2009

New Civil Aircraft Competitors on the Horizon?
Peder Anderson
April 2009

The Global Trade Contraction: How Much is 2008-09 Like 1929-33?
Michael Ferrantino
April 2009

How Do FTA’s Affect the U.S. Trade Balance?
Nick Grossman and Dylan Carlson
April 2009

Growth in Wind Turbine Manufacturing and Trade
Andrew David
March 2009

China's Growth Recession and Policy Response
Alexander Hammer
March 2009


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