NOAANow - Top News Stories
  • April 2011 tornado information site
    Tornadoes are among nature's most violent storms — capable of producing wind speeds greater than 250 mph and paths in excess of a mile wide and 50 miles long. The United States encountered unprecedented tornado activity recently with an estimated 600 tornadoes in April alone. This site will provide information about these deadly storms.
  • NRDA Trustees announce $1 billion agreement to fund early Gulf Coast restoration projects
    This early restoration agreement, the largest of its kind ever reached, represents a first step toward fulfilling BP's obligation to fund the complete restoration of injured public resources, including the loss of use of those resources by the people living, working and visiting the area.
  • All federal waters of the Gulf once closed to fishing due to spill now open
    On April 19, NOAA reopened to commercial and recreational fishing 1,041 square miles of Gulf waters immediately surrounding the Deepwater Horizon wellhead, just east of Louisiana.