NASW Annual Report 2009-2010

2009 2010 annual reportClick Here to view the full report or select a link below.

Table of Contents


Social Work Congress
More than 800 social work leaders and social work students participated in simultaneous live and virtual national meetings in April to chart the future of the profession together. 

The Social Work Policy Institute and Center for Workforce Studies explored the state of the social work profession—its influence on public policy, the human services industry, and society.

Professional Development
NASW offered more than 30 new online workshops to help members stay current, and a new webinar series on leadership kicked off the 50th Anniversary celebration for the ACSW Credential.

The NASW Press released 12 new books, addressing child custody, economic justice, workforce, supervision, coaching and more.  The NASW Press markets more than 100 different titles each year.

Public Education
Social workers take center stage as outreach to consumer and entertainment media expanded. New tools to inspire prospective students draw thousands to review social work career information.

NASW’s participation in Hill briefings, Supreme Court amicus briefs, and meetings with Obama Administration officials resulted in several Court victories and historic health care reform.

Chapter Accomplishments
Through events, promotions, lobbying in state legislatures, conferences, and innovative CE offerings, the NASW chapters raised the bar on local member engagement.

Grants and Partners
NASW worked with more than 100 partners and coalitions to secure grants and implement projects that served and educated the public, social workers and allied professionals.

How NASW is organized to get things done.
National Association of Social Workers, 750 First Street, NE • Suite 700, Washington, DC 20002-4241.
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