Science and Technology

RAND experts have often been among the pioneers of key scientific research, including computer analysis, satellite development, military technology, and the foundations of the Internet. RAND's research has also resulted in the development of new methodologies and ways of analyzing policy issues, from the Delphi method to Robust Decision Making.

Research conducted by: RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment; RAND Europe; RAND Education; RAND Health; Transportation, Space, and Technology Program; Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy; Acquisition and Technology Policy Center

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Advanced Countries to Benefit Most from Technological Progress

An examination of 29 countries' science and technology capacity indicates that the global technology revolution will continue unabated over the next 15 years, but some countries will be in a better position than others to take full advantage of it.

All Items (1639)


Selected Readings in Aerial Reconnaissance: A Reissue of a Collection of Papers From 1946 and 1948 — Apr 22, 2011

A presentation of papers fundamental to the study of aerial reconnaissance. Because the concepts presented in these papers are considered still valid, they are a basis for current research and development in the field.


Complex trauma research in the UK: A rapid review of the funding landscape — Apr 18, 2011

This documented briefing presents the results of a rapid review of the funding landscape for complex trauma research in the UK. Recommendations are made about how to strengthen this niche and orphan area of research.


Toward Affordable Systems II: Portfolio Management for Army Science and Technology Programs Under Uncertainties — Apr 18, 2011

This companion to Toward Affordable Systems: Portfolio Analysis and Management for Army Science and Technology Programs (Brian G. Chow, Richard Silberglitt, and Scott Hiromoto, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, MG-761-A, 2009) describes the continued development and demonstration of a method and model to incorporate lifecycle cost into the portfolio analysis and management process for U.S. Army Science and Technology programs.


Governing Geoengineering Research: A Political and Technical Vulnerability Analysis of Potential Near-Term Options — Apr 18, 2011

Geoengineering is risky, but could transform the portfolio of options for limiting future climate change. Some geoengineering approaches could prove fast acting and inexpensive and could be deployed by one or a few nations without global cooperation. This report provides an initial examination and comparison of the risks associated with alternative international approaches the United States might pursue to governing geoengineering research…


Influences on the Adoption of Multifactor Authentication — Apr 15, 2011

Passwords are proving less and less capable of protecting computer systems from abuse. Multifactor authentication (MFA) — which combines something you know (e.g., a PIN), something you have (e.g., a token), and/or something you are (e.g., a fingerprint) — is increasingly being required. This report investigates why organizations choose to adopt or not adopt MFA — and where they choose to use it.


Should Power Plants Consider Using Biomass Energy as an Alternative to Fossil Fuels? — Apr 8, 2011

U.S. power plants seek to diversify their fuel sources and biomass energy is a renewable resource that generally has lower life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions than fossil fuels. This model estimates the cost and availability of biomass energy resources from U.S. agricultural lands from the perspective of an individual power plant.


Understanding the Security, Privacy, and Trust Aspects of Cloud Computing — Apr 6, 2011

Cloud computing is a model for enabling on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing resources—such as storage and applications—that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. RAND Europe explored the security, privacy, and trust challenges that cloud computing poses.


Climate Scientists Should Wear Adam Smith Ties — Mar 30, 2011

If it were really possible to explain millions of years of Earth data with a theory that doesn't also imply a recent human influence on the climate, some ambitious, self-interested team of scientists somewhere in the world would seek scientific renown by doing so, writes Robert Lempert.


Moving Toward Vehicle Miles of Travel Fees to Replace Fuel Taxes: Assessing the Path Forward — Mar 29, 2011

Assesses alternate mechanisms for implementing fees to fund the nation's road network based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and outlines a plan for large-scale system trials to further evaluate the most promising concepts.


Obituary: Paul Baran, RAND Researcher and Pioneer of the Internet — Mar 28, 2011

Paul Baran, who helped develop the building blocks of the Internet during the 1960s while working as a researcher at the RAND Corporation, died March 26 at his home in Palo Alto, Calif., from complications relating to lung cancer. He was 84.


Ready for Takeoff: China's Advancing Aerospace Industry — Mar 25, 2011

China's aerospace industry has advanced at an impressive rate over the past decade, partly due to the increasing participation of its aerospace industry in the global commercial aerospace market and the supply chains of the world's leading aerospace firms.


Shared Modular Build of Warships: How a Shared Build Can Support Future Shipbuilding — Mar 25, 2011

Some recent shipbuilding programs in the United States and Europe have involved multiple shipyards constructing major modules of each ship for final integration and testing at one shipyard. The Navy needs to decide what it wants from a shared-build strategy, then monitor and manage the program to ensure that it delivers the required outcome, as well as the vessels called for in the program.


RAND Corporation to Help Guangzhou Development District Craft Innovation Strategy for New 'Knowledge City' — Mar 23, 2011

RAND has signed an agreement to help the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development District in Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China, to develop a strategic plan for a system of policies, incentives, and other practices to support technological innovation in Knowledge City, a planned new development for 300,000 residents.


Looming Discontinuities in U.S. Military Strategy and Defense Planning: Colliding RMAs Necessitate a New Strategy — Mar 22, 2011

A discontinuity in U.S. defense planning may be looming because of diffusion of inexpensive military technology, geostrategic changes, and the need to prepare forces for diverse adversary types. The way ahead is not yet clear, and economic constraints are a problem. It also seems that the nation needs a comprehensive rebalancing of national security strategy, not just of military capabilities.


The Effects of Changing Aircraft Carrier Procurement Schedules — Mar 21, 2011

The Secretary of Defense's plans to shift Navy aircraft carrier acquisition to every five years should have little impact on force structure and the industrial base in the next decade—but after that, the force structure shrinks, as does the chance of meeting goals for the number of deployed aircraft carriers.


Army Tactical Wheeled Vehicles: Current Fleet Profiles and Potential Strategy Implications — Mar 18, 2011

The Army's medium and heavy tactical wheeled vehicle (TWV) fleets are critical to its global operations: these are the vehicles that move supplies and equipment to and around the battlespace. The Army needs to know how many of these vehicles it has as well as their age and condition. This study produced status profiles of the medium and heavy TWV fleets to show the numbers of vehicles and the years of useful life remaining for each group.


Healthcare Technology Co-operatives: Filling a niche in the English R&D landscape — Mar 15, 2011

This evaluation of the pilot Health Technology Cooperatives (HTCs), part of England's research infrastructure, explored how the HTCs fit into the health innovation landscape and recommended how best to support core HTC activities in the future.


The J-20 Episode and Civil-Military Relations in China — Mar 10, 2011

Written testimony submitted to the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission on March 10, 2011.


New Report Helps Inform Decisions about How Science Should Be Funded — Mar 7, 2011

Project Retrosight analysed 29 case studies of cardiovascular and stroke research in Australia, Canada, and the UK, and found that clinical research has greater societal impact over a 15-20 year timescale, while basic research has greater academic impact.


Understanding the Returns from Cardiovascular and Stroke Research — Mar 7, 2011

Project Retrosight analyzed 29 case studies of cardiovascular and stroke research in Australia, Canada, and the UK, and found that clinical research has greater societal impact over a 15–20 year timescale, while basic research has greater academic impact.


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