Recent Commentary by RAND Staff

RAND researchers contribute commentaries to newspapers, magazines and websites worldwide. This page provides a chronological list of commentaries by RAND researchers. Click on an author name to see all commentary by the author.

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Commentary pieces by RAND staff are the analyses of the authors, and not of RAND itself.

Can You Help Stop Terror Plots? — May 10, 2011

Could Bin Laden's Death Prompt a Cyber Attack? — May 6, 2011

The World after bin Laden — May 3, 2011

A Recipe for Military Disaster: Mixing Idealism and Realism — April 30, 2011

  • Harold Brown
  • (The Washington Post)

Odd Man Out at Sea — April 25, 2011

  • Thad W. Allen,
  • Richard L. Armitage, and
  • John J. Hamre
  • (The New York Times)

Time to Arm Libyan Rebels: Here's How — April 13, 2011

The Facts About American 'Decline' — April 13, 2011

Afghanistan's Reasons for Optimism — April 1, 2011

The Turkish Chimera — March 23, 2011

What Intervention Looks Like — March 16, 2011

Thinking Twice about Libyan Engagement — March 15, 2011

Beating Back the Taliban — March 14, 2011

Five Myths about the Muslim Brotherhood — March 6, 2011

  • Lorenzo Vidino
  • (The Washington Post)

Can You Hear Libya Now? — March 5, 2011

Stormy Seas off Somalia — February 28, 2011

Egypt Faces Rough, Uncharted Road — February 22, 2011

  • Harold Brown
  • (CNN)

Iran Overhauls Subsidies in the Face of Sanctions — January 13, 2011

Is Choice of Physician and Hospital an Essential Benefit? — January 12, 2011

Stuxnet Is the World's Problem — December 9, 2010

A WikiLeaks Disconnect — December 6, 2010

Alert Public and Cops Foiled the Most Terrorism Schemes — November 24, 2010

The US Midterm Elections and US-Turkish Relations — November 23, 2010

Your COIN Is No Good Here — October 26, 2010

A Risk to Themselves — October 20, 2010

Our Foes Cannot Destroy This Nation — September 27, 2010

Flu and Far Between — September 22, 2010

An Old Scourge Needs a Modern Solution — September 3, 2010

Physician Compensation, Cost, and Quality — August 18, 2010

Medical Leadership in an Increasingly Complex World — July 28, 2010

Are Public-Service Subsidies Good for the Public? — July 14, 2010

Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans? — June 30, 2010

  • Melissa Flournoy
  • (

Why U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Are So Frustrated — June 30, 2010

  • Celeste Gventer
  • (Christian Science Monitor)

The Sinking of the Cheonan: Engage or Retaliate? — June 30, 2010

Don't Lose Ukraine — June 25, 2010

The Afghanistan Clock — June 25, 2010

Denying Homegrown Terrorists the Glory — June 24, 2010

Rights and Responsibilities in Health Care: Striking a Balance — June 9, 2010

A Three-Pronged Approach to Confront Afghanistan's Corruption — June 4, 2010

  • Cheryl Benard,
  • Elvira N. Loredo
  • (Christian Science Monitor)

Talking to the Taliban — May 12, 2010