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National Association of Social Workers Foundation


Please help social workers respond quickly to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

In this complex and developing disaster, our colleagues in the Japanese professional social work association are uniquely suited to assess the needs of disaster victims and to provide leadership in promoting effective disaster relief and recovery efforts. 100% of donations through the NASW Foundation for the earthquake and tsunami in Japan will be forwarded to our professional colleagues in Japan to enable social workers to assist in the ongoing relief efforts there.


Your support for The NASW Foundation helps us to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities through programs that strengthen the social work profession. Please click here to make a secure online gift.  Thank you for the difference you make each day, and thank you for your support. 


The National Association of Social Workers Foundation (NASWF) is a charitable organization created to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities through the advancement of social work practice.

Founded in 2001, the Foundation's goals are to:  

  • identify, develop and respond to social work policy and practice issues.
  • assist with rapid response to social crises.
  • support practice-based research, so that practice and research are directly linked.
  • raise the visibility of social work and enhance public esteem for the profession.
  • support the development of cutting edge continuing education that addresses critical issues.
  • promote the appropriate application of new technology to the practice of social work.

The NASW Foundation is managed by a nine-member Board of Directors that comprises the current NASW President, three NASW members, and three individuals involved in professions other than social work. Nonvoting members of the board include the NASW Executive Director who serves as President of the Foundation and the NASW President-Elect.

The Foundation administers a wide variety of educational and research programs in an effort to fulfill its core mission of enhancing the well-being of individuals, families, and communities through the advancement of social work policy and practice. Foundation assets total more than $3.1 million, including the NASW Foundation Endowment, which is funded by voluntary contributions from NASW members and other supporters.


Social Work
Public Education Campaign:

Changing the Perceptions. Improving the Profession.

Read Recent Foundation Update

NASW Foundation
2009 Annual Report
SWPI Annual Report
Memorials & Tributes

Tribute to Social Workers Who Have Lost their Lives While Serving Others

NASW Social Work Pioneer® Fern L. Chamberlain passed away March 7, 2011

NASW Social Work Pioneer® Maurice O. Hunt passed away December 22, 2010

NASW Social Work Pioneer® Katherine Kendall passed away December 1, 2010

View All Memorials
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