WebEd Home



Offered by the National Association of Social Workers. 

For FAQ and general information click here.

Non-NASW Members can register here.

NASW Members
Log in with your NASW member username and password.  Your existing WebEd username and password are no longer valid.   If you have forgotten your NASW username or password, you can reset it by clicking here.  For instructions on how to reset your login information, click here.
If you are a first-time WebEd user, you will need to create an account. Click on the "Click here to login" button above to register. If you are a current WebEd user and have forgotten your WebEd username or password, click here to reset it. Please do not create a new account.


Login Help Information
If you experience problems logging in, please contact Member Services at 800.742.4089 or 202.408.8600 ext. 499 Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:30pm ET or by email at membership@naswdc.org.
Site Instructions Hungarian
A daganatos betegségek megismertetése Magyarországon: A szociális munkások szerepe c. web-tanfolyam elvégzéséhez NASW WebEd regisztráció szükséges (Regisztráció itt). Ha Ön már regisztrált felhasználó, akkor kérem, hogy a felhasználónév és a jelszó megadásával jelentkezzen be a baloldali felületen.

 Ha bármilyen kérdése van Önnek a web-kurzussal kapcsolatosan, vagy problémák merültek fel a web-kurzusra való bejelentkezés során, kérjük, tudassa ezt velünk:membership@naswdc.org



About WebEd Minimize

NASW WebEd is the venue for online course offerings developed and offered by the NASW National Office. NASW WebEd courses are credited and social workers who pass the course exam will receive CEUs. Social workers are reminded to check with their state licensing boards to confirm that online education is accepted. If you are unfamiliar with Web-based courses, please click on the “Help” button in each course; there you will find information to acquaint you with NASW WebEd features. NASW welcomes your feedback and suggestions for improving this and future NASW WebEd offerings.

National Association of Social Workers
750 First Street NE Suite 700 Washington, DC 20002-4241
2009 National Association of Social Workers. All Rights Reserved.



Announcement Minimize
CHANGES to NASW’s CE Offering on WebEd
The continuing education courses listed below will no longer be offered on NASW WebEd as of March, 15, 2011:
·         Understanding Aging The Social Workers Role
·         Understanding Cancer: The Social Worker's Role
·         Understanding End-of-Life Care: The Social Worker’s Role
·         Understanding Genetics The Social Workers Role
·         Achieving Culture Competence to Reduce Health Disparities in End of Life Care
If you have completed one or more of these courses in the past two years and passed the exam but have not printed your certificate of completion, you must do so before March 15th, 2011.  If you take an of these courses before March 15, please print out your certificate. Certificates for these courses will no longer be available after March 15.   


CEU Credit Notice Minimize

States/WebEd Courses Not Approved

Please note: Some US States may not approve the use of free CEU credits that are attained by completing the NASW WebEd courses. Those states and the WebEd courses that are not approved for CEU credit are listed below. 

Nevada does not accept any non-moderated distance learning.

Online HIPAA Course Minimize

Understanding HITECH, NASW's online HIPAA training program is presented by NASW and HIPAAprof . Click here to take this course

Several new provisions of HIPAA became effective in 2009 and 2010. The HITECH Act has changed many HIPAA requirements and increased the penalties for HIPAA violations.

Many social workers need to comply with the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations.

NASW and the NASW Legal Defense Fund have joined with HIPAAprof to provide a powerful online traning solution custom tailored for social workers with e-learning experiences including professional graphics and work scenarios. For more information visit: www.hipaaprof.com/nasw/buyonline.cfm

