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Legislative Alerts and Updates
Support the Social Work Reinvestment Act with NASW’s first virtual lobby day with social workers from across the country on April 28 and stand up for your profession.
SWRA: Encourage Your Senators to Co-sponsor the Social Work Reinvestment Act
SWRA: Encourage Your Representative to Co-sponsor the Social Work Reinvestment Act
 State Legislative:
Illinois - The Health Insurance Rate Fairness and Affordability Act
Illinois - Illinois must pay its bills!
Massachusetts - Please Support An Act Investing in our Communities
Massachusetts - Please Support An Act Raising the Juvenile Jurisdiction in MA to 18
Massachusetts - Please Support An Act to Encourage Preventative Care
Massachusetts - Please Support An Act to Amend the Commonwealth's Drug Treatment Program to allow for the Diversion of Low Level Offenders under Court Supervision
Massachusetts - An Act Removing Barriers to Financial Stability and Asset Development for Low-to-Moderate Income Families
Massachusetts - Support Increasing the Personal Needs Allowance for Residents of Long-Term Facilities
Massachusetts - Support Loan Forgiveness for Social Workers
Massachusetts - Support Paid Sick Days for Massachusetts Workers!
Massachusetts - Support Transgender Equal Rights in Massachusetts!
Massachusetts - Support Improving Medicare for All!
Massachusetts - Please Support the Education Parity Act!
Massachusetts - Support the Coordination of Children's Mental Health Care!
Massachusetts - When Casinos Win, We Lose
Massachusetts - Support Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program Budget Line Item
Massachusetts - Support Social Worker Safety by contacting your Legislators
Maryland - Support the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act!!
New Jersey - Ask Your Senator to Vote YES for Women's Health
Texas - NASW/TX Action Alert - Rainy Day Fund
Virginia - HB 2037: Title Protection for Virginia
Nebraska - Please support access to services for families!
Nebraska - Please Oppose LB 84!
Texas - NASW/TX Action Alert - Mental Health Funding
Illinois - Advocacy Day - Let your voice be heard!
Texas - NASWTX Action Alert - Revenue Shortage
Texas - Action Alert on Budget Cuts
Texas - Support Access to Healthcare
Texas - State Budget Priorities
New Social Work Caucus on Capitol Hill
Child Abuse and Neglect Deaths: We Can Do Better
NASW Mourns the Loss of Social Work Leader Gabe Zimmerman
 Smart Alert:
April 26 Vote on Licensing Exemptions Repeal
SF 2088
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