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iReport invites you to take part in the news with CNN. Your voice, together with other iReporters, can help shape what CNN covers and how.

At CNN we believe that looking at the news from different angles gives us a deeper understanding of what's going on. We also know that the world is an amazing place filled with interesting people doing fascinating things that don't always make the news.

That's why iReport is full of tools built to share stories that are happening where you are and discuss the issues that are important to you. Everything you see on iReport starts with someone in the CNN audience. The stories here are not edited fact-checked or screened before they post. CNN's producers will check out some of the most compelling, important and urgent iReports and, once they're cleared for CNN, make them a part of CNN's news coverage. (Look for the red "CNN iReport" stamp to see which stories have been vetted for CNN.)

Together, CNN and iReport can paint a more complete picture of the news. We'd love for you to join us. Jump on in, tell your story and see how it connects with someone on the other side of the world. Here are some resources to get started:

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