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National Disaster Recovery Framework Initiative

HUD and DHS seals On August 27, 2009, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate announced the establishment of a National Disaster Recovery Framework Working Group. Elizabeth Zimmerman, Assistant Administrator for Disaster Assistance, was appointed to lead the effort. The goal is to engage recovery stakeholders to create a comprehensive coordinating structure that will enhance our ability to work together and effectively deliver recovery assistance.

On September 29, 2009, President Obama announced an effort to examine lessons learned during previous catastrophic disaster recovery efforts, areas for improved collaboration between federal agencies and between the federal government and state and local governments and stakeholders. At the President's request, the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Housing and Urban Development are co-chairing a Long-Term Disaster Recovery Working Group composed of the Secretaries and Administrators of more than 20 departments, agencies and offices. This high-level, strategic initiative will provide operational guidance for recovery organizations as well as make suggestions for future improvement. An intensive stakeholder outreach effort during October and November, 2009, involving State, local, and tribal government representatives, as well as a wide array of private organizations and private non-profit organizations, will inform these efforts.

The National Disaster Recovery Framework Working Group is now co-chaired with HUD and comes under the umbrella of the White House’s Long-Term Disaster Recovery Working Group effort. It will provide one of the two main outcomes of the effort. The other outcome is a Report to the President that will summarize the findings of the Working Group.

Draft National Recovery Framework (PDF 830KB, TXT 140KB)

The National Disaster Recovery Framework will:

(L-R) FEMA Administrator W. Craig Fugate; discusses the just announced $380 million Preparedness Grant/Funded by the American Recovery and reinvestment Act (ARRA), to pay for fire station construction and port/transit security initiatives nationwide, with Congressman C.A. 'Dutch' Ruppersberger (MD) and DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano. Photo by Barry Bahler/DHSDesired Outcome:

Recovery programs and capabilities at all levels of government and in all sectors that function together harmoniously, supported by:

Outcomes are subject to further refinement.


Alaska Governor Sean Parnell (center left) is briefed on recovery progress by FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Doug Mayne (center right). Of the community's 58 residences, 13 were destroyed and 8 were damaged, in addition to multiple businesses damaged or destroyed. - Jack Heesch/FEMATimeline:

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Aug-2010 12:25:10 EDT