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This 60 second public service announcement is based on the October 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. It’s illegal and dangerous for teens to drink any alcohol and then drive. Still, one in ten high school teens drank and got behind the wheel in 2011. A parent-teen driving agreement is a good way for parents to help keep young drivers safe behind the wheel.

Teen Drinking and Driving – What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second public service announcement is based on the October 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. It’s illegal and dangerous for teens to drink any alcohol and then drive. Still, one in ten high school teens drank and got behind the wheel in 2011. A parent-teen driving agreement is a good way for parents to help keep young drivers safe behind the wheel.  Created: 10/2/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/2/2012.

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Nearly one-third of American adults have high blood pressure, and more than half of them don’t have it under control. Simply seeing a doctor and taking medications isn’t enough for many people who have high blood pressure. A team-based approach by patients, health care systems, and health care providers is one of the best ways to treat uncontrolled high blood pressure.

Teaming Up Against High Blood Pressure PSA (:60)

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Nearly one-third of American adults have high blood pressure, and more than half of them don’t have it under control. Simply seeing a doctor and taking medications isn’t enough for many people who have high blood pressure. A team-based approach by patients, health care systems, and health care providers is one of the best ways to treat uncontrolled high blood pressure.  Created: 9/4/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/4/2012.

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This 60 second PSA describes the signs and symptoms of and ways to prevent <em>Baylisascaris</em> infection, a parasitic roundworm infection that is spread through raccoon feces.

Raccoon Roundworm Infection PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA describes the signs and symptoms of and ways to prevent Baylisascaris infection, a parasitic roundworm infection that is spread through raccoon feces.  Created: 8/27/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/28/2012.

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This 15 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus.

The Buzz About West Nile Virus PSA (:15)

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This 15 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus.  Created: 8/21/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/21/2012.

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This 30 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus.

The Buzz About West Nile Virus PSA (:30)

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This 30 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus.  Created: 8/21/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/21/2012.

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Este Anuncio de Servicio Público de 30 segundos explica cómo protegerse del Virus del Nilo Occidental.  Creado: 8/21/2012 por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).

¿Ha oído hablar del West Nile Virus? - PSA (:30) (The Buzz About West Nile Virus PSA [:30])

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Este Anuncio de Servicio Público de 30 segundos explica cómo protegerse del Virus del Nilo Occidental. Creado: 8/21/2012 por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).  Created: 8/21/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/21/2012.

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This 15 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus.

Fight the Bite PSA (:15)

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This 15 second PSA explains how to protect yourself from West Nile virus.  Created: 8/21/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/21/2012.

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Este Anuncio de Servicio Público de 30 segundos explica cómo protegerse del Virus del Nilo Occidental.

Evite las picaduras - PSA (:30) (Fight the Bite PSA [:30])

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Este Anuncio de Servicio Público de 30 segundos explica cómo protegerse del Virus del Nilo Occidental.  Created: 8/21/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/21/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the August 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. While more adults are walking, only half get the recommended amount of physical activity. Listen to learn how communities, employers, and individuals may help increase walking.

More Adults Are Walking PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the August 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. While more adults are walking, only half get the recommended amount of physical activity. Listen to learn how communities, employers, and individuals may help increase walking.  Created: 7/31/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/7/2012.

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This public service announcement features 22 individuals who encourage others in the fight against HIV.

Let's Stop HIV Together PSA (:30)

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This public service announcement features 22 individuals who encourage others in the fight against HIV.  Created: 7/16/2012 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 7/16/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the July 2012 CDC Vital Signs report.  Approximately 14 people die every day of overdoses related to methadone. Listen to learn how to reduce your risk of an overdose.

Reducing the Risk of Methadone Overdose PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the July 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. Approximately 14 people die every day of overdoses related to methadone. Listen to learn how to reduce your risk of an overdose.  Created: 7/3/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 7/3/2012.

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This 60 second PSA describes babesiosis, a preventable and treatable tickborne disease, including the signs and symptoms of infection and ways to prevent it.

Babesiosis PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA describes babesiosis, a preventable and treatable tickborne disease, including the signs and symptoms of infection and ways to prevent it.  Created: 4/25/2012 by Center for Global Health, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria.   Date Released: 4/26/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the April 2012 CDC Vital Signs report.  Many childhood deaths and injuries are preventable, including those caused by crashes, suffocation, poisoning, drowning, fires, and falls. The PSA discusses ways to help prevent these deaths and injuries.

Child Injury: What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the April 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. Many childhood deaths and injuries are preventable, including those caused by crashes, suffocation, poisoning, drowning, fires, and falls. The PSA discusses ways to help prevent these deaths and injuries.  Created: 4/16/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/16/2012.

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You can quit smoking! This inspiring 30 second PSA features three people who successfully quit smoking after many years. They share their practical tips on how to quit for good.

CDC: Tips from Former Smokers – Cessation PSA (:30)

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You can quit smoking! This inspiring 30 second PSA features three people who successfully quit smoking after many years. They share their practical tips on how to quit for good.  Created: 4/4/2012 by Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.   Date Released: 4/4/2012.

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Exposure to secondhand smoke can trigger a life-threatening asthma attack. This 30 second PSA features Jessica, a mother with a young son who suffers from asthma attacks triggered by secondhand smoke exposure.

CDC: Tips from Former Smokers – Jessica PSA (:30)

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Exposure to secondhand smoke can trigger a life-threatening asthma attack. This 30 second PSA features Jessica, a mother with a young son who suffers from asthma attacks triggered by secondhand smoke exposure.  Created: 4/4/2012 by Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.   Date Released: 4/4/2012.

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As part of the Take Charge. Take the Test. campaign, this 30 second PSA encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. Locations for a free HIV test can be found by visiting or calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).

Take Charge. Take the Test. PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

As part of the Take Charge. Take the Test. campaign, this 30 second PSA encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. Locations for a free HIV test can be found by visiting or calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).  Created: 3/7/2012 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 3/7/2012.

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As part of the Take Charge. Take the Test. campaign, this 60 second PSA encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. Locations for a free HIV test can be found by visiting or calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).

Take Charge. Take the Test. "You Know" PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

As part of the Take Charge. Take the Test. campaign, this 60 second PSA encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. Locations for a free HIV test can be found by visiting or calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).  Created: 3/7/2012 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 3/7/2012.

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As part of the Take Charge. Take the Test. campaign, this 60 second PSA encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. Locations for a free HIV test can be found by visiting or calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).

Take Charge. Take the Test. "Look Out For Yourself" PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

As part of the Take Charge. Take the Test. campaign, this 60 second PSA encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. Locations for a free HIV test can be found by visiting or calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).  Created: 3/7/2012 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 3/7/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the March 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. C. <em>difficile</em> is a germ that causes diarrhea linked to 14,000 deaths in the US each year. This podcast helps health care professionals learn how to prevent C. <em>difficile</em> infections.

Stop C. difficile Infections PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the March 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. C. difficile is a germ that causes diarrhea linked to 14,000 deaths in the US each year. This podcast helps health care professionals learn how to prevent C. difficile infections.  Created: 3/6/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/6/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the February 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. Ninety percent of Americans age two and older eat too much sodium which can increase your risk for high blood pressure and often leads to heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the US. Learn several small steps you can take to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet.

Too Much Sodium PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the February 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. Ninety percent of Americans age two and older eat too much sodium which can increase your risk for high blood pressure and often leads to heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the US. Learn several small steps you can take to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet.  Created: 2/7/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/7/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the January 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. One in six adults binge drinks about four times a month. It's a problem nationwide but community-based strategies, such as reducing access to alcohol and increasing the price, can prevent binge drinking.

Binge Drinking – Nationwide Problem, Local Solutions PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the January 2012 CDC Vital Signs report. One in six adults binge drinks about four times a month. It's a problem nationwide but community-based strategies, such as reducing access to alcohol and increasing the price, can prevent binge drinking.  Created: 1/3/2012 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/3/2012.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the December 2011 CDC Vital Signs report, "HIV Prevention through Care and Treatment" that shares new hope for preventing HIV and improving the health of people with HIV.

New Hope for Stopping HIV - Testing and Medical Care Save Lives PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the December 2011 CDC Vital Signs report, "HIV Prevention through Care and Treatment" that shares new hope for preventing HIV and improving the health of people with HIV.  Created: 11/29/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/29/2011.

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December 1 is World AIDS Day. In this PSA, communities are encouraged to get tested for HIV.

World AIDS Day PSA (:30)

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December 1 is World AIDS Day. In this PSA, communities are encouraged to get tested for HIV.  Created: 11/16/2011 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP).   Date Released: 11/16/2011.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the November, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Overdose deaths from prescription painkillers have skyrocketed in the past decade. Every year, nearly 15,000 people die from these overdoses—more than those who die from heroin and cocaine combined.  Learn the steps you can take to prevent an overdose.

Prescription Painkiller Overdoses in the U.S. – What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the November, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Overdose deaths from prescription painkillers have skyrocketed in the past decade. Every year, nearly 15,000 people die from these overdoses—more than those who die from heroin and cocaine combined. Learn the steps you can take to prevent an overdose.  Created: 11/1/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/1/2011.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the October, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Drinking and driving is still a serious problem. Crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers kill nearly 11,000 people each year. If you’re drinking, designate a non-drinking driver before you start, call a cab, or get a ride home. Also, always wear your seat belt. Seat belts reduce the risk of serious injuries and death in a crash by 50 percent.

Drinking and Driving – What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

This 60 second PSA is based on the October, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Drinking and driving is still a serious problem. Crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers kill nearly 11,000 people each year. If you’re drinking, designate a non-drinking driver before you start, call a cab, or get a ride home. Also, always wear your seat belt. Seat belts reduce the risk of serious injuries and death in a crash by 50 percent.  Created: 10/4/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/4/2011.

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This 30 second PSA highlights CDC and the Hollywood movie <em>Contagion</em>.

Contagion and CDC PSA (:30)

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This 30 second PSA highlights CDC and the Hollywood movie Contagion.  Created: 9/29/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/29/2011.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the September, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Fewer Americans are smoking cigarettes, and daily smokers are smoking less; however, even occasional smoking causes harm. The best option for any smoker is to quit completely. Quitting at any age has benefits, and the sooner you quit, the sooner your body can begin to heal.

The Tobacco Use Epidemic – What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second PSA is based on the September, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Fewer Americans are smoking cigarettes, and daily smokers are smoking less; however, even occasional smoking causes harm. The best option for any smoker is to quit completely. Quitting at any age has benefits, and the sooner you quit, the sooner your body can begin to heal.  Created: 9/6/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/6/2011.

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In this 60-second public service announcement, gynecologic cancer survivor, Jenny Allen, urges women to see a doctor if symptoms last two weeks or more.

Be Brave PSA (:60)

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In this 60-second public service announcement, gynecologic cancer survivor, Jenny Allen, urges women to see a doctor if symptoms last two weeks or more.  Created: 8/4/2011 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.   Date Released: 8/4/2011.

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the August, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the US. Breastfeeding can help prevent obesity, but one in three moms stop without hospital support. About 95% of hospitals lack policies that fully support breastfeeding moms. Hospitals need to do more to help moms start and continue breastfeeding.

Childhood Obesity – Prevention Begins with Breastfeeding PSA (:60)

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the August, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in the US. Breastfeeding can help prevent obesity, but one in three moms stop without hospital support. About 95% of hospitals lack policies that fully support breastfeeding moms. Hospitals need to do more to help moms start and continue breastfeeding.  Created: 8/2/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/2/2011.

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the July, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Colorectal cancer kills about 50,000 men and women every year. Screening can save lives! Screening can find abnormal growths so they can be removed before turning into cancer, and can find the cancer early, when it's easiest to treat. If you're over 50, talk to your doctor about getting screened for colorectal cancer.

Colorectal Cancer - What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the July, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Colorectal cancer kills about 50,000 men and women every year. Screening can save lives! Screening can find abnormal growths so they can be removed before turning into cancer, and can find the cancer early, when it's easiest to treat. If you're over 50, talk to your doctor about getting screened for colorectal cancer.  Created: 7/5/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 7/5/2011.

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the June, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. One in six Americans gets sick from eating contaminated food each year. To reduce your risk, remember to clean, separate, cook, and chill.

Making Food Safer to Eat - What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the June, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. One in six Americans gets sick from eating contaminated food each year. To reduce your risk, remember to clean, separate, cook, and chill.  Created: 6/7/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 6/7/2011.

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May is National Hepatitis Awareness Month. This 30 second PSA discusses hepatitis and encourages listners to talk to their health care professional about getting tested.

Hepatitis Awareness Month PSA (:30)

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May is National Hepatitis Awareness Month. This 30 second PSA discusses hepatitis and encourages listners to talk to their health care professional about getting tested.  Created: 5/11/2011 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.   Date Released: 5/11/2011.

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the May, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Children and adults can have asthma and attacks can be frightening. To help control asthma, know the warning signs of an attack, stay away from asthma triggers, and follow your health care provider's advice.

Asthma - What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 60 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) is based on the May, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Children and adults can have asthma and attacks can be frightening. To help control asthma, know the warning signs of an attack, stay away from asthma triggers, and follow your health care provider's advice.  Created: 5/3/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 5/3/2011.

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Abril es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre las Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS). Las ETS pueden afectar a cualquier persona. Muchas ETS no tienen síntomas, por lo que es importante hacerse pruebas de detección.

PSA de radio Mes de Concientización sobre las ETS PSA de radio (30 seg) (STD Awareness Month PSA (:30))

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Abril es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre las Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS). Las ETS pueden afectar a cualquier persona. Muchas ETS no tienen síntomas, por lo que es importante hacerse pruebas de detección.  Created: 4/19/2011 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.   Date Released: 4/20/2011.

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April is National STD Awareness Month. STDs can affect anyone. Many STDs don't have symptoms so it's important to get tested.

STD Awareness Month PSA (:30)

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April is National STD Awareness Month. STDs can affect anyone. Many STDs don't have symptoms so it's important to get tested.  Created: 4/19/2011 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.   Date Released: 4/19/2011.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the April, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Having a child during the teen years comes at a high cost to the young mother, her child, and the community. Get tips to help break the cycle of teen pregnancy.

Teen Pregnancy - What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This 60 second PSA is based on the April, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report. Having a child during the teen years comes at a high cost to the young mother, her child, and the community. Get tips to help break the cycle of teen pregnancy.  Created: 4/5/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/5/2011.

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April is National STD Awareness Month. In this PSA, native communities, especially adolescents and young adults, are encouraged to get educated, tested, and treated by visiting

National STD Awareness Month and GYT: Get Yourself Tested PSA (:60)

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April is National STD Awareness Month. In this PSA, native communities, especially adolescents and young adults, are encouraged to get educated, tested, and treated by visiting  Created: 3/3/2011 by National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.   Date Released: 3/3/2011.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the March, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates bloodstream infections in patients with central lines are largely preventable when healthcare providers use CDC-recommended infection control steps.

Patients with Central Lines - What You Need to Know to Avoid a Bloodstream Infection PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This 60 second PSA is based on the March, 2011 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates bloodstream infections in patients with central lines are largely preventable when healthcare providers use CDC-recommended infection control steps.  Created: 3/1/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/1/2011.

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Wes Studi, Hollywood actor, urges American Indians and Alaska Natives to get vaccinated against seasonal flu.

Fighting Flu PSA (:30)

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Wes Studi, Hollywood actor, urges American Indians and Alaska Natives to get vaccinated against seasonal flu.  Created: 2/15/2011 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.   Date Released: 2/15/2011.

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Wes Studi, Hollywood actor, urges American Indians and Alaska Natives to get vaccinated against seasonal flu.

Fighting Flu PSA (:60)

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Wes Studi, Hollywood actor, urges American Indians and Alaska Natives to get vaccinated against seasonal flu.  Created: 2/15/2011 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.   Date Released: 2/15/2011.

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This 30-second PSA gives ways to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.

High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol-What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

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This 30-second PSA gives ways to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.  Created: 2/1/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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This 30-second PSA explains the importance of paying attention to your body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.

I Had PSA (:30)

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This 30-second PSA explains the importance of paying attention to your body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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This 60-second PSA explains the importance of paying attention to your body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.

I Had PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This 60-second PSA explains the importance of paying attention to your body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos explica la importancia de estar atenta por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.

Yo tuve (I Had) PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos explica la importancia de estar atenta por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 60 segundos explica la importancia de estar atenta por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.

Yo tuve (I Had) PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 60 segundos explica la importancia de estar atenta por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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This 30-second PSA urges listeners to pay attention to their body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.

My Story PSA (:30)

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This 30-second PSA urges listeners to pay attention to their body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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This 60-second PSA urges listeners to pay attention to their body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.

My Story PSA (:60)

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This 60-second PSA urges listeners to pay attention to their body for warning signs of gynecologic cancer.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos insta a las mujeres a estar atentas por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.

Mi historia (My Story) PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos insta a las mujeres a estar atentas por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 60 segundos insta a las mujeres a estar atentas por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.

Mi historia (My Story) PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 60 segundos insta a las mujeres a estar atentas por si aparecen en su cuerpo signos de advertencia de cáncer ginecológico.  Created: 8/31/2010 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 2/1/2011.

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This 30-second PSA explains how to prevent and recognize early symptoms Lyme disease.

Prevent Lyme Disease/Spring and Summer PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This 30-second PSA explains how to prevent and recognize early symptoms Lyme disease.  Created: 1/4/2011 by Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD).   Date Released: 1/6/2011.

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This 30-second PSA explains how to prevent and recognize early symptoms Lyme disease.

Prevent Lyme Disease Among You and Your Children/Spring and Summer PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This 30-second PSA explains how to prevent and recognize early symptoms Lyme disease.  Created: 1/4/2011 by Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD).   Date Released: 1/6/2011.

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This 30-second PSA explains how to recognize early symptoms Lyme disease and provides prevention tips.

Recognize the Early Signs of Lyme Disease PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This 30-second PSA explains how to recognize early symptoms Lyme disease and provides prevention tips.  Created: 1/4/2011 by Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD).   Date Released: 1/6/2011.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the December, 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates that last year, 82.9 million adults between 18 and 64 reported having been tested for HIV, yet 55 percent of adults – and 28.3 percent of adults with a risk factor for HIV – haven't been tested.

HIV Testing – What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This 60 second PSA is based on the December, 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates that last year, 82.9 million adults between 18 and 64 reported having been tested for HIV, yet 55 percent of adults – and 28.3 percent of adults with a risk factor for HIV – haven't been tested.  Created: 11/30/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/30/2010.

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PSA about new graphic health warnings for cigarette packages and advertisements.

Graphic Health Warnings for Cigarettes: What You Need to Know PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

PSA about new graphic health warnings for cigarette packages and advertisements.  Created: 11/18/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 11/18/2010.

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This PSA on the importance handwashing during a cholera outbreak is in Haitian Creole.

PSA (Anons Sèvis Piblik): Fason pou Lave men pou kolera (Handwashing for Cholera PSA)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

This PSA on the importance handwashing during a cholera outbreak is in Haitian Creole.  Created: 11/10/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/10/2010.

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This PSA on disposal of feces during a cholera outcreak is in Haitian Creole.

PSA (Anons Sèvis Piblik): Eliminasyon poupou ak kolera (Disposal of Feces for Cholera PSA)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:26)

This PSA on disposal of feces during a cholera outcreak is in Haitian Creole.  Created: 11/10/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/10/2010.

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This PSA on treatment for cholera symptoms is in Haitian Creole.

PSA (Anons Sèvis Piblik): Tretman pou sentòm kolera (Treatment for Cholera Symptoms PSA)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:28)

This PSA on treatment for cholera symptoms is in Haitian Creole.  Created: 11/10/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/10/2010.

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This PSA helps retailers understand new federal regulations surrounding the sale of unpackaged cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

Unpackaged Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco: What Retailers Need to Know PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

This PSA helps retailers understand new federal regulations surrounding the sale of unpackaged cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.  Created: 10/28/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 10/28/2010.

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This PSA is based on the October, 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates that drinking too much, including binge drinking, causes more than 79,000 deaths in the U.S. each year and is the third leading preventable cause of death.

Binge Drinking PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

This PSA is based on the October, 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates that drinking too much, including binge drinking, causes more than 79,000 deaths in the U.S. each year and is the third leading preventable cause of death.  Created: 10/5/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/5/2010.

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PSA to help raise retailers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to the sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to people under 18 and the requirement to sell products face-to-face.

Face-to-face Tobacco Sales: What Retailers Need to Know PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

PSA to help raise retailers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to the sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to people under 18 and the requirement to sell products face-to-face.  Created: 9/30/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 9/30/2010.

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PSA to announce a new mobile text message program that will help raise retailers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations.

Tools Related to the Federal Tobacco Products Regulations: What Retailers Need to Know PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

PSA to announce a new mobile text message program that will help raise retailers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations.  Created: 9/16/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 9/16/2010.

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This 30 second PSA encourages everyone to get vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis), especially those who will have close contact with an infant.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This 30 second PSA encourages everyone to get vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis), especially those who will have close contact with an infant.  Created: 9/15/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/15/2010.

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Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos hace un llamado a vacunarse contra la tos ferina (pertussis), en especial aquellas personas que están en contacto cercano con bebés.

Tos ferina (Pertussis) PSA (:30) (Whooping Cough PSA)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos hace un llamado a vacunarse contra la tos ferina (pertussis), en especial aquellas personas que están en contacto cercano con bebés.  Created: 9/9/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/9/2010.

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This PSA is based on the September, 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates that, despite the dangers of tobacco use, about 46.6 million adults in the U.S. smoke, and 88 million nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke.

The Tobacco Use Epidemic - What You Need to Know PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This PSA is based on the September, 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which indicates that, despite the dangers of tobacco use, about 46.6 million adults in the U.S. smoke, and 88 million nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke. .  Created: 9/7/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/7/2010.

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This 30 second PSA encourages people to wash their hands often while in the hospital or visiting someone in the hospital. It also encourages them to remind their healthcare providers to wash their hands, too.

Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings 1 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This 30 second PSA encourages people to wash their hands often while in the hospital or visiting someone in the hospital. It also encourages them to remind their healthcare providers to wash their hands, too.  Created: 8/19/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/19/2010.

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This 30 second PSA encourages people to wash their hands often while in the hospital or visiting someone in the hospital. It also encourages them to remind their healthcare providers to wash their hands, too.

Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings 2 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This 30 second PSA encourages people to wash their hands often while in the hospital or visiting someone in the hospital. It also encourages them to remind their healthcare providers to wash their hands, too.  Created: 8/19/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/19/2010.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the August 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which provides information on obesity and what you can do to help fight the epidemic.

The Obesity Epidemic – What Can Be Done? PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

This 60 second PSA is based on the August 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which provides information on obesity and what you can do to help fight the epidemic.  Created: 8/3/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/3/2010.

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This 60 second PSA is based on the July 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which provides information on colorectal and breast cancer and the importance of getting screened.

Cancer - What You Don't Know Can Kill You PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

This 60 second PSA is based on the July 2010 CDC Vital Signs report which provides information on colorectal and breast cancer and the importance of getting screened.  Created: 7/22/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 7/22/2010.

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PSA helps raise retailers' and manufacturers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to the production and sale of cigarettes labeled as "light," "low," or "mild."

Put Out the Myth: There Is No Such Thing as a Safe Cigarette PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

PSA helps raise retailers' and manufacturers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to the production and sale of cigarettes labeled as "light," "low," or "mild.".  Created: 7/21/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 7/21/2010.

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PSA helps raise retailers awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to people under 18.

Don't Sell Tobacco to Minors: What Retailers Need to Know PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

PSA helps raise retailers awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to people under 18.  Created: 7/8/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 7/8/2010.

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This PSA discusses type 2 diabetes and the fact that it's a serious health risk in America.

Blood Sugar & Fears PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This PSA discusses type 2 diabetes and the fact that it's a serious health risk in America.  Created: 6/17/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 6/17/2010.

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In this PSA, Asians and Pacific Islanders are encouraged to talk about HIV and get tested for HIV.

Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

In this PSA, Asians and Pacific Islanders are encouraged to talk about HIV and get tested for HIV.  Created: 5/12/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 5/12/2010.

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Early detection of viral hepatitis can help prevent liver damage, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

Early Detection of Viral Hepatitis Can Save Lives - PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Early detection of viral hepatitis can help prevent liver damage, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.  Created: 5/12/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 5/12/2010.

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This PSA, targeted to college-aged youth and young adults, encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.

STD Awareness PSA - College 1 (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This PSA, targeted to college-aged youth and young adults, encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.  Created: 4/22/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/22/2010.

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This PSA, targeted to college-aged youth and young adults, encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.

STD Awareness PSA - College 2 (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This PSA, targeted to college-aged youth and young adults, encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.  Created: 4/22/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/22/2010.

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This PSA encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.

STD Awareness PSA - Female Announcer (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This PSA encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.  Created: 4/22/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/22/2010.

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This PSA encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.

STD Awareness PSA - Male Announcer 1 (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This PSA encourages listeners to get tested for STDs.  Created: 4/22/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/22/2010.

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This PSA encourages listeners to get tested for STDs. Target - Men who have sex with other men.

STD Awareness PSA - Male Announcer 2 (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This PSA encourages listeners to get tested for STDs. Target - Men who have sex with other men.  Created: 4/22/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/22/2010.

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A message from actor Morgan Freeman about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Morgan Freeman: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:15)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:15)

A message from actor Morgan Freeman about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message from actor Morgan Freeman about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Morgan Freeman: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

A message from actor Morgan Freeman about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message from actor Morgan Freeman about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Morgan Freeman: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

A message from actor Morgan Freeman about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message in Spanish from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Jimmy Smits: La Vida Real PSA (:20)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:20)

A message in Spanish from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message in Spanish from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Jimmy Smits: La Vida Real PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:32)

A message in Spanish from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Jimmy Smits: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:20)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:20)

A message from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Jimmy Smits: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:32)

A message from actor Jimmy Smits about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message from the actor/musician Terrence Howard about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Terrence Howard: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:20)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:20)

A message from the actor/musician Terrence Howard about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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A message from the actor/musician Terrence Howard about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.

Message from Terrence Howard: Screening for Colorectal Cancer PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

A message from the actor/musician Terrence Howard about the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.  Created: 4/13/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 4/13/2010.

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The"One and Only" campaign promotes safe injection practices.

Just Ask! PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

The"One and Only" campaign promotes safe injection practices.  Created: 3/16/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/16/2010.

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A woman who has cancer warns people after she was infected with hepatitis C when a healthcare worker re-used a syringe for her chemotherapy. She endorses the "One and Only" campaign to promote safe injection practices.

It Happened To Me PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

A woman who has cancer warns people after she was infected with hepatitis C when a healthcare worker re-used a syringe for her chemotherapy. She endorses the "One and Only" campaign to promote safe injection practices.  Created: 3/16/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/16/2010.

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A woman whose stepson died from a healthcare infection endorses the "One and Only" campaign to promote safe injection practices.

I Had To Do Something PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

A woman whose stepson died from a healthcare infection endorses the "One and Only" campaign to promote safe injection practices.  Created: 3/16/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 3/16/2010.

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An important public health announcement about safety precautions for potential physical and chemical hazards found in damaged buildings. Language: Haitian Creole.

Bilding (Kay) Ki Damaje PSA (:30) (Damaged Buildings)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

An important public health announcement about safety precautions for potential physical and chemical hazards found in damaged buildings. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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An important public health announcement about your safety when entering damaged buildings. Language: Haitian Creole.

Bilding (Kay) Ki Damaje PSA (:60) (Damaged Buildings)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

An important public health announcement about your safety when entering damaged buildings. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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An important public health announcement about drinking water safety and steps to make sure your water is safe. Language: Haitian Creole.

Dlo-Dlo Sal 1 PSA (:60) (Water/Sewage 1)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

An important public health announcement about drinking water safety and steps to make sure your water is safe. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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An important public health announcement about drinking water safety and tips to clean water using a clean clothe filter. Language: Haitian Creole.

Dlo-Dlo Sal 2 PSA (:60) (Water/Sewage 2)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

An important public health announcement about drinking water safety and tips to clean water using a clean clothe filter. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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An important public health announcement with tips to insure your bottled water is safe. Language: Haitian Creole.

Dlo-Dlo Sal 3 PSA (:60) (Water/Sewage 3)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

An important public health announcement with tips to insure your bottled water is safe. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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This is an important public health announcement about safety precautions for those handling human remains. Language: Haitian Creole.

Kadav Moun PSA (:60) (Human Remains)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This is an important public health announcement about safety precautions for those handling human remains. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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This is an important public health announcement about cholera symptoms and ways you can prevent the spread of disease.  Language: Haitian Creole.

Maladi Kolera 1 PSA (:30) (Cholera 1)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

This is an important public health announcement about cholera symptoms and ways you can prevent the spread of disease. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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This is an important public health announcement about cholera prevention and food preparation tips you can use to prevent the spread of disease.  Language: Haitian Creole.

Maladi Kolera 2 PSA (:30) (Cholera 2)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

This is an important public health announcement about cholera prevention and food preparation tips you can use to prevent the spread of disease. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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This is an important public health announcement about ways you can prevent the spread of cholera. Language: Haitian Creole.

Maladi Kolera PSA (:60) (Cholera)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

This is an important public health announcement about ways you can prevent the spread of cholera. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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This is an important public health announcement with tips to prevent wounds and cuts from infection. Language: Haitian Creole.

Tetanòs 1 PSA (:30) (Tetanus 1)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

This is an important public health announcement with tips to prevent wounds and cuts from infection. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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The following is an important public health announcement about washing your hands to prevent the spread of disease. Language: Haitian Creole.

Tetanòs 2 PSA (:30) (Tetanus 2)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

The following is an important public health announcement about washing your hands to prevent the spread of disease. Language: Haitian Creole.  Created: 2/18/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/18/2010.

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Text4baby is a free mobile service that will help women from pregnancy through the baby's first year. Sherri Sheppard, co-host on <i>The View</i>, encourages women to sign up.

Free Mobile Service for Pregnant Women and New Moms PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

Text4baby is a free mobile service that will help women from pregnancy through the baby's first year. Sherri Sheppard, co-host on The View, encourages women to sign up.  Created: 2/8/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 2/8/2010.

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Flu and travel

Both of You PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Flu and travel.  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Flu and staying healthy

Now Entering PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Flu and staying healthy.  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Coach and athletes discuss the serious nature of concussions.

Concussion in Sports 1 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Coach and athletes discuss the serious nature of concussions.  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Un entrenador habla con sus atletas sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (Coach and athletes discuss the serious nature of concussions.)

Los deportes y las conmociones cerebrales 1 PSA (:30) (Concussion in Sports 1)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Un entrenador habla con sus atletas sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (Coach and athletes discuss the serious nature of concussions.).  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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A mom and her teen athlete discuss the serious nature of concussions.

Concussion in Sports 2 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

A mom and her teen athlete discuss the serious nature of concussions.  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Una mamá habla con su hija atleta adolescente sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (A mom and her teen athlete discuss the serious nature of concussions.)

Los deportes y las conmociones cerebrales 2 PSA (:30) (Concussion in Sports 2)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Una mamá habla con su hija atleta adolescente sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (A mom and her teen athlete discuss the serious nature of concussions.).  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Discussion between two teen athletes about the serious nature of concussions.

Concussion in Sports 3 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Discussion between two teen athletes about the serious nature of concussions.  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Dos atletas adolescentes hablan sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (Discussion between two teen athletes about the serious nature of concussions.)

Los deportes y las conmociones cerebrales 3 PSA (:30) (Concussion in Sports 3)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Dos atletas adolescentes hablan sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (Discussion between two teen athletes about the serious nature of concussions.).  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Two sports announcers discuss the serious nature of concussions.

Concussion in Sports 4 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Two sports announcers discuss the serious nature of concussions.  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Dos cronistas deportivos hablan sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (Two sports announcers discuss the serious nature of concussions.)

Los deportes y las conmociones cerebrales 4 PSA (:30) (Concussion in Sports 4)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Dos cronistas deportivos hablan sobre la gravedad de las conmociones cerebrales. (Two sports announcers discuss the serious nature of concussions.).  Created: 1/21/2010 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 1/21/2010.

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Dangers of mercury

Mercury (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Dangers of mercury.  Created: 12/29/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 12/29/2009.

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Dangers of mercury (in Spanish)

Mercury-Spanish (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Dangers of mercury (in Spanish).  Created: 12/29/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 12/29/2009.

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2009 H1N1 flu resources (mature voice)

2009 H1N1 Flu - General (Mature) (:15)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:15)

2009 H1N1 flu resources (mature voice).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

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2009 H1N1 flu resources (mature voice)

2009 H1N1 Flu - General (Mature) (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

2009 H1N1 flu resources (mature voice).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

2009 H1N1 flu resources (Spanish)

2009 H1N1 Flu - General (Spanish) (:15)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:14)

2009 H1N1 flu resources (Spanish).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

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2009 H1N1 flu resources (urban voice)

2009 H1N1 Flu - General (Urban) (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:28)

2009 H1N1 flu resources (urban voice).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

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2009 H1N1 flu resources (urban voice)

2009 H1N1 Flu - General (Urban) (:15)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:14)

2009 H1N1 flu resources (urban voice).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

2009 H1N1 flu resources (Spanish)

2009 H1N1 Flu - General (Spanish) (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:14)

2009 H1N1 flu resources (Spanish).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Things kids can do to help prevent flu

Flu - Hygiene PSA for Kids (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:28)

Things kids can do to help prevent flu.  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Things kids can do to help prevent flu (in Spanish)

Influenza- PSA sobre medidas de higiene para niños (Flu - Hygiene PSA for Kids - Spanish) (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Things kids can do to help prevent flu (in Spanish).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Guidelines related to traveling if you have the flu

Flu and Travel PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Guidelines related to traveling if you have the flu.  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Caution about ads that promote products that cure, treat, or diagnose flu

H1N1 Consumer Fraud PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Caution about ads that promote products that cure, treat, or diagnose flu.  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Prepare now for the 2009 H1N1 flu to spread

H1N1 Flu Awareness PSA "Community" (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Prepare now for the 2009 H1N1 flu to spread.  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Prepare now for the 2009 H1N1 flu to spread (Spanish)

H1N1 Flu Awareness PSA "Comunidad" (Spanish) (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Prepare now for the 2009 H1N1 flu to spread (Spanish).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Practice good hygiene to help prevent the flu

H1N1 Flu Awareness PSA "Hygiene" (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Practice good hygiene to help prevent the flu.  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Practice good hygiene to help prevent the flu (Spanish)

H1N1 Flu Awareness PSA "Higiene" (Spanish) (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Practice good hygiene to help prevent the flu (Spanish).  Created: 10/26/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/26/2009.

More info on this topic

Safety during a wildfire

General Information About Wildfires PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Safety during a wildfire.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Medidas de seguridad durante un incendio forestal

Información general sobre los incendios forestales PSA (:35) (General Information About Wildfires)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:34)

Medidas de seguridad durante un incendio forestal.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Advice for 'at-risk people' during a wildfire

Wildfires and At-Risk Populations PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Advice for 'at-risk people' during a wildfire.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

General instructions related to evacuation

Evacuating the Area of a Hurricane PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

General instructions related to evacuation.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Stay safe if appliances get wet in a natural disaster

What to Do If Your Appliances Are Wet After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Stay safe if appliances get wet in a natural disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

How to stay safe in your home during a hurricane

Staying Safe in Your Home During a Hurricane PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

How to stay safe in your home during a hurricane.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Safety around dogs after a natural disaster

Staying Safe Around Dogs After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Safety around dogs after a natural disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Safety in buildings damaged in a disaster

Staying Safe Around Buildings Damaged After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Safety in buildings damaged in a disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Safe use of candles after a natural disaster

Proper Use of Candles During a Power Outage PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Safe use of candles after a natural disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Preventing mold after rain or flood

Preventing Mold After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Preventing mold after rain or flood.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Chain saw safety after a disaster

Preventing Chain Saw Injuries After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Chain saw safety after a disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Reminder to take prescription medicines when evacuating

Preparing for Hurricanes - Prescription Medications PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Reminder to take prescription medicines when evacuating.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Preparing if you're under a hurricane watch or warning

Preparing for a Hurricane PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Preparing if you're under a hurricane watch or warning.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Electrical safety during power outages

Electrical Safety During a Hurricane PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Electrical safety during power outages.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Dangers of driving through flooded areas

Driving Through Water After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Dangers of driving through flooded areas.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

Get help for depression and thoughts of suicide after a natural disaster

Coping With Depression and Thoughts of Suicide After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:28)

Get help for depression and thoughts of suicide after a natural disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

First aid during a disaster

Emergency Wound Care After a Disaster PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

First aid during a disaster.  Created: 10/25/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/25/2009.

More info on this topic

First steps to preventing diabetes. For Hispanic and Latino American audiences.

Diabetes PSA (:30) Step By Step

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

First steps to preventing diabetes. For Hispanic and Latino American audiences.  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

First steps to preventing diabetes. For Hispanic and Latino American audiences.

Diabetes PSA (:60) Step By Step

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

First steps to preventing diabetes. For Hispanic and Latino American audiences.  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

Doctor who suggests small steps to prevent diabetes

Diabetes PSA (:30) Not Too Late

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Doctor who suggests small steps to prevent diabetes.  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

Doctor who suggests small steps to prevent diabetes

Diabetes PSA (:60) Not Too Late

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

Doctor who suggests small steps to prevent diabetes.  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

Small steps to prevent diabetes

Diabetes – Get Real PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Small steps to prevent diabetes.  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

Small steps to prevent diabetes

Diabetes – Get Real PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Small steps to prevent diabetes.  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

Doctor discusses risks of type 2 diabetes (in Spanish)

El Dr. Huerta habla sobre la diabetes PSA (:60)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:00)

Doctor discusses risks of type 2 diabetes (in Spanish).  Created: 10/24/2009 by National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), a joint program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.   Date Released: 10/24/2009.

More info on this topic

Immunization advice for new moms

Immunization PSA (:30) NEW MOM ADVICE

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Immunization advice for new moms.  Created: 10/22/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/22/2009.

More info on this topic

Immunization advice for new moms

Immunization PSA (:60) NEW MOM ADVICE

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:59)

Immunization advice for new moms.  Created: 10/22/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/22/2009.

More info on this topic

Tips for staying safe and healthy during the holidays.

Healthy Holidays

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Tips for staying safe and healthy during the holidays.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about the dangers of shaking a baby.

Shaken Baby Syndrome PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about the dangers of shaking a baby.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about the dangers of shaking a baby in Spanish.

Síndrome del bebé sacudido PSA (:30) (Shaken Baby Syndrome)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about the dangers of shaking a baby in Spanish.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.

Coping with Crying 1 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.

Coping with Crying 2 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby in Spanish.

Qué hacer cuando el bebé llora 2 PSA (:30) (Coping with Crying 2)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby in Spanish.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.

Coping with Crying 3 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby in Spanish.

Qué hacer cuando el bebé llora 3 PSA (:30) (Coping with Crying 3)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby in Spanish.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.

Coping with Crying 4 PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about handling the frustration of a crying baby.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Importance of washing your hands correctly to reduce the spread of germs and disease

Hand Washing PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Importance of washing your hands correctly to reduce the spread of germs and disease.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Discusses obesity and the need for a balanced lifestyle

Finding a Balance PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Discusses obesity and the need for a balanced lifestyle.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Gives website resource for CDC's Parent Portal

CDC Parent Portal 1 PSA (:15)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:15)

Gives website resource for CDC's Parent Portal.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Warns about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:29)

Warns about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome PSA (:30) Not in My Head

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

Information about chronic fatigue syndrome.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Information about chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome PSA (:60) Not in My Head

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (1:01)

Information about chronic fatigue syndrome.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

September = National Cholesterol Month

National Cholesterol Month PSA (:30)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:30)

September = National Cholesterol Month.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

Importance of keeping cars and homes smoke-free

Smoke-Free Cars and Homes PSA (:15)

Listen to the Podcast Listen To This PSA (0:15)

Importance of keeping cars and homes smoke-free.  Created: 10/21/2009 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 10/21/2009.

More info on this topic

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