
Hands On


A Colorful Hypothesis

Help your child understand and apply the term "hypothesis," and investigate the science of color.

The Conductor

Dinosaurs A to Z

Help your child practice the letters of the alphabet while learning about diversity of dinosaurs that once lived on Earth.

Velociraptor's arm

Dinosaurs of a Feather

Help your child observe and compare different bird feathers, discuss different ways that feathers help birds (and dinosaurs) survive, and create a 3-D picture of what a feathered Velociraptor might have looked like.

A bird

Drawing Birds

Help your child learn the names of different parts of one bird they observed.

Dr. Scott

Even Bigger Than T. rex!

Help your child comprehend the size of some gigantic dinosaurs.


Have a Brachiosaurus Picnic

Help your child prepare a vegetarian (herbivore) picnic for the class and learn what foods fit into an herbivore's diet (fruits and vegetables). Also, learn how to remind your child about the importance of handwashing before eating and discuss why all animals need to eliminate waste from their bodies (a.k.a. pooping).


Hungry Herbivores

Help your child learn what an herbivore is, then create and compare two collages: one featuring pictures of modern day animals that eat only plants, and another featuring your child's favorite fruits and vegetables.

The Conductor with a dragonfly

Make a Dragonfly

Help your child learn some basic insect anatomy by creating a model of a dragonfly and help your child learn that some animals they can see in the world today also lived at the time of the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs playing Dino Ball

Playing Dino Ball YOUR Way

Help your child creatively solve problems and get exercise by inventing the rules for an imaginary game featured in Dinosaur Train, then playing it.

Dinosaur Train

Dinosaur Train on

Find games, videos, activites to print out, and lots of fun facts about dinosaurs on the Dinosaur Train website at

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