Donate to AFSA

Making a Donation to AFSA

As a not-for-profit organization, AFSA's only sources of revenue are membership dues and advertising revenue from the Foreign Service Journal. To ensure that we have adequate funding for our various programs and initiatives, we have established five different funds for which we solicit contributions on an annual basis. Please take the time to read about these causes and consider making a donation in support of one or more of them.

Fund for American Diplomacy (FAD)

The Fund for American Diplomacy is AFSA's 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It has three main missions: Telling the story of the Foreign Service and our diplomats to the American public; encouraging student interest in a Foreign Service career and public service more generally; and honoring constructive dissent, exemplary performance, and outstanding service among the diplomatic corps. To that end, the FAD supports a variety of programs, including the memorial plaques, the AFSA awards, our Road Scholar programs and speakers bureau, minority internships, our national high school essay contest, various AFSA speaker series and book events, and our worldwide bestselling book, "Inside a U.S. Embassy: Diplomacy at Work." Please click here to make a donation. You can also make a donation to the FAD through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), where is is designated as #10646, Diplomacy Matters - AFSA. Donations to the FAD are tex deductible.

AFSA Scholarship Fund

Each year, AFSA bestows close to $200,000 in scholarship money to deserving high school and college students, all of whom must have a parent in the Foreign Service. These scholarships include both need-based financial awards and merit awards for academic and art achievement, in addition to recognition of best essay and community service. In addition to a number of endowed and named scholarships, your donations are the only revenue for the scholarship fund. Please click here to make a donation. You may also make a donation to the scholarship fund through the Combined Federal Campaign, where it is designated #11759, Foreign Service Youth Scholarships - AFSA. These donations are tax-deductible.

Legislative Action Fund (LAF)

The Legislative Action Fund allows AFSA to maintain a vigorous pace of Congressional lobbying in order to advocate for issues of vital importance to the Foreign Service. These include overseas comparability pay, capital gains tax issues, domestic partner benefits, entitlement and benefit provisions, and general funding issues for foreign affairs and development. All of the donation to the LAF are used for these efforts, whether they include face-to-face meetings on the Hill, letter campaigns, travel to meet with legislators on crucial committees, or talking point campaigns with lawmakers. Please click here to make a donation. Donations to the LAF are not tax deductible.

Legal Defense Fund (LDF)

AFSA's Legal Defense Fund was created in 2007 to provide financial assistance to members in cases involving issues of significant institutional importance to the Foreign Service. It was named after the late Richard Scissors, a longtime AFSA staff member whose expertise in labor-management issues was crucial to many an AFSA member during his tenure. Please click here to make a donation. Donations to the LDF are not tax deductible, although we are exploring seeking 501(c)(3) status from the IRS.


AFSA's Political Action Committee allows AFSA to provide donations to key members of Congress. Generally, recipients sit on one of four committees: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee; the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs; the House Foreign Affairs Committee; and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. The AFSA-PAC is unique in that it is completely bipartisan - 50% of donations go to Democrats and 50% go to Republicans. Please click here to make a donation. Donations to AFSA-PAC are not tax deductible.

To make a scholarship donation:

  • Use your Master Card or Visa and call 1-800-704-2372, ext. 504
  • Send a check payable to:

    AFSA Scholarship Fund
    AFSA, 2101 E Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20037

  • Include an additional amount when you renew your AFSA membership.
  • Contribute through the Combined Federal Campaign. If in the Washington, DC area, the CFC# is 11759.

For more information contact:

Ms. Lori Dec
Scholarship Director
American Foreign Service Association
2101 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20037

1-800-704-2372 Ext. 504

Fax: 202-338-6820
