Road Scholar

Road Scholar

Welcome to AFSA's Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel) web site. This page will act as a clearinghouse of information for all of AFSA's Road Scholar programs. Bernie Alter is the Administrator for all of our Road Scholar programs in Washington, DC and Chautauqua, NY along with Marketing and Outreach Manager Ásgeir Sigfússon. We also have an advisory role for all of our programs in other locations.

To the right you will see our upcoming programs, which take place in various locations around the United States. Please take your time as you browse through these and identify the program that most interests you. You can enroll in any program that is open for registration by clicking on the program title. There is also a "Helpful Links" section which includes the essentials if you are traveling to one of our Washington, DC programs.

You may contact Bernie at For an instant response, you may wish to contact Ásgeir. He is available at 202-944-5508 or by e-mail at The address of the American Foreign Service Association is 2101 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.

Registering for programs

To contact Road Scholar or to register for a program via telephone, please call the toll-free Road Scholar number, 1-877-426-8056. You may also register by sending the catalog form to Road Scholar at 11 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111. Registration is also available through the Road Scholar web site,

Interested in AFSA?

If you are interested in the American Foreign Service Association and foreign affairs in general, please consider becoming an associate member. As benefits of membership, you will receive a subscription to the Foreign Service Journal, additional magazine discounts, low insurance rates, and an extensive online member area.

You may also want to consider signing up for our regular e-mail news messages. Our weekly AFSAnet messages can keep you up to date on the Foreign Service. Please be aware that this is not an Road Scholar service, but rather an in-house service of the American Foreign Service Association. To be on the Road Scholar mailing list, please contact Road Scholar via e-mail, telephone, or surface mail.

AFSA Road Scholar speakers at Chautauqua, NY
(photo credit: E. Michael Southwick)

Upcoming Programs

June 5-10, 2011
"U.S. Foreign Policy for the 21st Century" (#6881) 
Chautauqua, NY 
Program price: $887 double/$95 single supplement/$337 commuter

September 11-15, 2011 
"Current Issues in Diplomacy: South Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe" (#19172) 
Washington, DC
Program price: $859 double/$199 single supplement/$609 commuter

September 27-30, 2011 
"The Middle East: Conflict and Controversy" (#16853) 
Washington, DC
Program price: $697 double/$169 single supplement/$447 commuter

October 2-7, 2011
"U.S. Foreign Policy for the 21st Century" (#6881) 
Chautauqua, NY 
Program price: $887 double/$95 single supplement/$337 commuter

October 9-14, 2011 
"U.S. Foreign Policy for the 21st Century" (#6881) 
Chautauqua, NY 
Program price: $887 double/$95 single supplement/$337 commuter

October 16-20, 2011
"American Diplomacy in Action: The Middle East, South Asia, and Global Terrorism" (#18260) 
Washington, DC
Program price: $859 double/$199 single supplement/$609 commuter

November 8-11, 2011 
"Diplomacy at Work: North Africa and the Middle East" (#19511) 
Washington, DC
Program price: $697 double/$169 single supplement/$447 commuter