Post Rep of the Year

AFSA Post Representative of the Year

AFSA post representatives must fulfill several important functions at overseas posts, including conveying the concerns of members at post back to the AFSA leadership, negotiating with post management on those concerns and other matters affecting the conditions of work for the Foreign Service employees there, and serving as an information conduit on AFSA’s advocacy activities to members at post.  It is awarded to an AFSA post representative who has exhibited significant and extraordinary commitment and activism in representing AFSA at an overseas post. They must have demonstrated high visibility and efficiency, pursued vigorous and constructive relations with post management, and acted as an effective conduit of information between AFSA, Washington, and employees as post.

Please nominate a deserving post rep at your post. Any questions about the award should be directed to AFSA's Coordinator for Special Awards and Outreach Perri Green at or 202-719-9700.

Left: 2010 winner James Fox accepts his certificate from AFSA President Susan R. Johnson
Right: 2009 winner Ken Kero-Mentz with his husband at the awards ceremony

Previous Winners

2010 James Fox
(U.S. Mission to NATO)
2009 Ken Kero-Mentz
(Embassy Berlin)
2008 Julie Eadeh
(Embassy Baghdad)
2004 David Jesser
(Embassy Pretoria)
Randy J. Kreft
(Embassy Moscow)