Active Membership

Membership Information for Active Foreign Service Employees

For over thirty years AFSA has championed many improvements in the professional standing and quality of life for Foreign Service Personnel. This membership program is for Foreign Service personnel at the Department of State, USAID, FCS, FAS, and IBB.

Benefits of AFSA Membership

Labor Management Relations: AFSA negotiates the regulations affecting employees' careers. We work to make the Foreign Service a better place in which to work, live, and raise a family. Our network of AFSA Post Reps provides on-site assistance to overseas members.

Congressional Advocacy: AFSA is your advocate before Congress on issues affecting the careers of active members and the annuities of retired members.

Ombudsman: We work to resolve member problems with pay, allowances, claims, annuities, health care, and many other issues.

Voice of the Foreign Service: As the professional association of the Foreign Service since 1924, AFSA works to strengthen our profession and is ever vigilant for threats to the career Foreign Service.

Grievance Representation: AFSA's legal staff provides hands-on assistance with grievance proceedings when your rights are violated.

Outreach: AFSA communicates the views of the Foreign Service on professional issues to the news media and directly to the general public.

Foreign Service Journal: Our monthly magazine offers provocative articles that will keep you current on developments in the foreign affairs profession. The AFSA News section highlights issues impacting your daily life.

Legal Services: Free legal advice and representation on employment issues, including security and OIG investigations.

Insurance programs: Competitively priced insurance programs designed for the Foreign Service community, including professional liability insurance, accident, dental, and personal property/transit.

AFSA Scholarships: AFSA grants around 100 merit and financial need scholarships a year to Foreign Service family members.

AFSA Awards: Unique awards program honoring constructive dissent and outstanding performance.

AFSA Web Site: Online member area including member directory and member forums.

Zipcar Discounts: Significant annual fee and hourly rate discounts for AFSA members.

Magazine Discounts: Member-only discounts to major foreign affairs journals. Discounts: AFSA members receive discounted service on pet moves, both domestic and international.

Esprit de Corps: AFSA works to build a sense of common cause and professional pride between all Foreign Service members -- active and retired; officer and specialist; junior and veteran.

AFSA Chapters Overseas

AFSA has active chapters in most embassies, missions, and consulates. Elected representatives assist fellow employees with job-related issues and professional concerns. Post Representatives provide the crucial link between the members abroad and AFSA's activities in Washington.