
Current Issues

Image: AFSA Statement on Death of American Diplomats in Libya
We are deeply saddened and regret the tragic loss of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Specialist Sean Smith, and their colleagues in the cowardly attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. We extend our heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the families and loved ones of those killed.   [Read More...]

Image: AFSA Bylaws Amendments Pass!!
In accordance with Article VI, Sec. 1 of the AFSA Bylaws, the Committee on Elections certifies that all three proposed amendments were approved by the membership. Click here for a breakdown of the votes cast.   

Image: The September FSJ Is Out!
The September issue of the FSJ addresses different facets and perspectives of the U.S.-China relationship and also celebrates this year’s winner of the Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy Award.   [Read More...]

Of Member Interest

AFSA is the professional association of the U.S. Foreign Service and the exclusive bargaining agent for all Foreign Service employees in the five foreign affairs agencies.   [Read More...]

Benefits of Membership

Retired members receive extensive counseling and advice from our staff, free of charge.   [Read More...]

The Hirshorn Company
AFSA offers a variety of insurance programs specifically tailored to the needs of AFSA members in service abroad. Click the image above for information and applications.   

AFSA's dedicated legal staff offers assistance to our members free of charge, whether it relates to grievances, EER/AEF issues, tenure problems, etc.   [Read More...]

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