Department of State

Daniel Hirsch, Vice President

Daniel Hirsch, Vice President

Welcome. My name is Daniel Hirsch and, as the State Vice President for AFSA, I would like to welcome you to the State constituency web page. Here, you can find useful links and resources of interest to active duty State Foreign Service members, and also contact me and/or your AFSA State representatives. This page will change over time, evolving to fit your needs.

Elected State Representatives

Carleton Bulkin
A Foreign Service Officer since 1998 and formerly a Fascell Fellow, Carleton Bulkin is a political officer who has served in Prague, Havana, Moscow, Budapest, and Kabul. He is currently the Deputy Director for NATO Operations in EUR/RPM. He was an AFSA representative in Moscow and Budapest.

Ako Cromwell
Ako is a DS Special Agent who joined the Foreign Service in 2004. He has been posted to the Miami Field Office and the protective details of Secretaries Rice and Clinton, which has taken him on numerous travel assignments. Prior to his diplomatic career, Ako spent twelve years in law enforcement.

Mary Glantz
Mary is serving as a political officer in EUR Russian Affairs following tours in Jerusalem and Baku.

Mike Haughey
An FSO since 2002, Mike is a Security Engineering Officer. He is currently a Section Chief in the Overseas Support Branch of DS. His previous posts include Moscow and Yaounde, Cameroon. Before joining the Foreign Service, he worked at Texas A&M University.

Les Hickman
Les's 27-year Consular career has included India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan as well as interfunctional positions in the Department. A Crisis Management trainer, he helped evacuate 1400 Americans from Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm. An AFSA member since 1982, he has served as Post Representative.

Bruce Matthews
Bruce is a Security Engineering Officer with 23 years of experience in the Foreign Service. His various assignments have taken him to England, Russia, and Greece in addition to numerous Stateside postings. He is currently in charge of the Quality and Liaison Section of DS Security Technology.

Ray Maxwell
Raymond Maxwell, who draws on a U.S. Navy background, became a Foreign Service management officer in 1992. He is the director of the Office of Regional Affairs in the Near Eastern Bureau, but has also served as deputy chief of mission and chargé d’affaires in Damascus and post management officer for East Africa, his all-time favorite job.

Joyce Namde
A Consular Officer by cone, Joyce Namde has served as post representative in two locations and on the AFSA Board from 2005-2007. Her overseas tours include London, Lagos, Manila, Ciudad Juarez and currently as Narcotics Affairs Director in Port au Prince. In Washington she served in OES and IO.

Lynn Nelson
Lynn currently serves in a double capacity as OMS and HR Assignment Technician in HR/EX/ASU, where she generates travel orders. Her previous assignments include Singapore and the EAP bureau, in addition to accompanying her FSO husband Paul in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, and Mexico City.

Sharon N. White
A Foreign Service Officer since 1983, Sharon White has served as DCM in Tashkent, DPO in Ho Chi Minh City, and in POL, PD and Consular positions in Washington, Abidjan, Vienna, Brussels, Paris and Mexico City.

Help AFSA Represent You

Is there a Foreign Service related topic that interests or concerns you? There are several ways you can voice your concern:

  1. You can write to me directly at or call me at 202-647-8160.
  2. You can write to one of your ten elected State representatives, whose information is provided below.
  3. You can join a State advisory committee, and advise us as we move forward on the issues that matter to you. You can contribute by e-mail and do not have to be in Washington to participate.
  4. You can join the State standing committee and meet with me in Washington on a regular basis.
  5. You can leave an anonymous comment in the comments section of this page.
  6. Get in touch with your AFSA Post Representative.

News & Updates

My AFSAnet Messages

Want more information?

Sign up for AFSANET to monitor developments. Members with specific questions or grievance issues should contact the appropriate AFSA staff member, or myself at

For more information on AFSA membership, please contact member services at

Advisory Committees

The following virtual advisory committees are open to all interested AFSA members, anywhere they may be posted. These committees meet by e-mail, and advise the State Vice President on issues of interest to members. If you are interested in participating or in chairing a committee, please contact me or the Committee Chair for the committee of interest to you. Please note that additional committees may be created, depending on member interest, and membership will in most cases be limited to 10 or fewer members. For information on the issues being addressed by each committee, please click here.

State Standing Committee

Jill J. Thompson
, Rima J. Vydmantas, Marjorie R. Harrison, Philip K. Barth

Due Process Issues

Committee Chair and POC:
Les Hickman

Cheryl Neely

Overseas Family Member/Parenting Related Issues

Committee Chair and POC:

Robert Tibbetts
, Patricia Linderman, Anat Gelb, Lynne Madnick, Mari O'Connor, Vandana Stapleton, Sara Craig, Jelena Mastilovic Cali, Becky Grappo, Heidi Roulston

GLBT Issues

Committee Chair and POC:

Jon Tollefson

Issues Affecting Entry Level and Junior Officers

Committee Chair and POC:
Corky Gilbert

Sarah Clymer
, Shayna Cram, Scott Lang, Douglas Ostertag, Kathrine Mortensen, Martin Lahm, Stephanie Sandoval, Katherine Rafaniello

Assignment-Related Issues

Committee Chair and POC:
Joyce Namde

Mike Unglesbee

Issues Affecting Employees with Disabilities

Committee Chair and POC:
Andrea V Strano

Bada Erdogan
, Angela Palazzolo

Issues related to Iraq/Afghanistan Service

Committee Chair and POC:

Specialist Issues - Diplomatic Security

Committee Chair and POC:

Joe Jung
, Christian Rodgers, Christopher Tremann

Specialist Issues - General

Committee Chair and POC:
Jorge Delfin

David Bakken
, Bartolo Alcantara, Pat Sheard, Dave Zwach, Jim Ellis, Len Ortega, Damaris Garcia Torres, Mario May, Rahim Theriot, Robert Baggett, Paul Nelson

Specialist Issues - IRM and Related Fields

Committee Chair and POC:
Robert Popchak

John Feagin
, Wally Wallooppillai, Craig Bowman, Anne Borst, Gregory Bowers, Robert Olson, Michael Cassilly, Ken Neijstrom, James Rivera

Specialist Issues - Office Management Specialists

Committee Chair and POC:
Lynn Nelson

Kelly Taylor
, Paula Guimond