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Republicans Believe Romney Most Likely to Win Nomination
Nearly half of Republicans, 45%, think Mitt Romney is most likely to win the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, exceeding the combined 35% who name any other candidate.

President Obama earns a stellar 63% job approval rating from Americans for his handling of terrorism, and his approval on Iraq is up to 52%. At the same time, his ratings on the economy, creating jobs, and the federal budget deficit are mostly negative, and near their record lows for his presidency.

Herman Cain remains the Republican presidential candidate who generates the strongest favorable opinions among the party rank-and-file, but his Positive Intensity Score, now 25, is declining amid allegations of sexual harassment against him.


U.S. Economic Confidence Weak, but Steady Above Recent Lows
Gallup's Economic Confidence Index registered -47 for the week ending Nov. 6, down slightly from the -44 and -46 readings seen in the last two weeks of October. Still, confidence is slightly improved from where it stood from July through early October.


Yemenis Hopeless About Economy as Revolt Continues
Yemenis see their economy at a near standstill after months of violence and political instability. Fewer than 1 in 10 Yemenis in late July described local economic conditions as good and 3% saw the situation getting better.

Greeks' confidence in their country's national government hit an all-time low of 18% earlier this year, and their faith in their financial institutions has fallen sharply since 2005. Neither trend bodes well for Greece's economic restructuring and recovery.


Most Americans Believe Crime in U.S. Is Worsening
Contrary to the sharp decline in the United States' violent crime rate since the mid-1990s, the majority of Americans (68% this year) believe crime is up, as they have for most of the past decade. More than half also say the U.S. crime problem is extremely or very serious.
What the Whole World Wants is a Good Job. In his new book, Gallup's Chairman reveals how leaders can win "The Coming Jobs War."

Gallup Blogs


Election Matters: Good and Bad Signs for Cain
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport and USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page discuss Republican support for Herman Cain as he confronts allegations of sexual harassment, and reveal President Obama's secret strength and former President Bill Clinton's thoughts about the election.

Religion Still an Important Predictor of Political Preferences
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport discusses data showing that Americans' religiosity is highly related to their political affiliations, with the most religious Americans still the most likely to identify as Republicans.

Editor-in-Chief Insights: Five Key Questions About the GOP Race
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport answers five key questions about the status of the Republican presidential nomination race.

More Americans Report They Have a Gun in Their Home
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport reveals that more Americans report having a gun in their home now than at any time since the early 1990s.

Gallup Management Journal

Boosting Worried Customers' Confidence
With consumers fearing a double-dip recession and U.S. economic confidence alarmingly low, leading-edge companies have found a timely and creative way to win customers: improve their wellbeing.

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