Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
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Founded in 1979, the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) was established as a means of exchanging ideas, stimulating research, and promoting graduate training in resource and environmental economics.

AERE currently has over 800 members from more than thirty nations, coming from academic institutions, the public sector, and private industry. It draws from traditional economics, agricultural economics, forestry, and natural resource schools.

AERE provides many forums for exchanging ideas relevant to the allocation and management of natural and environmental resources. AERE has two journals, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM), and the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (REEP), and a newsletter issued to members twice a year. AERE also sponsors sessions at the annual meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) and the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), and occasionally at the meetings of regional economics associations. The AERE Workshop takes place each June, and AERE also co-sponsors the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists which is held every three years. AERE maintains an affiliation with the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE).


AERE/ASSA Meetings

The ASSA meetings are from January 3-5, 2009 in San Francisco, CA. The AERE Board of Directors meet on Saturday, January 3, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. The annual AERE luncheon meeting is on Sunday, January 4, from 12:15 - 2:15 p.m at the Hilton, San Francisco, CA.

2009 Annual Aere Luncheon

The AEA will be posting registration and hotel information on their web site in September.

AERE Honors Six Outstanding Members With the 2007 AERE Fellows Award

New Orleans AERE 2008 Luncheon Report (with photos)

AAEA Summer Meeting 2008 . July 27 - 29, 2008, Orlando, Florida Deadline is January 25, 2008

ASSA January 2009 . January 3-5, 2009, San Francisco, California Deadline is April 15, 2008

2007 AAEA meetings in Portland - July 30 - 31, 2007.

AERE Sessions at 2007 AAEA meetings in Portland, OR

2007 Workshop Papers and Speakers - Completed at Mystic, CT

2006 AERE Publication of Enduring Quality Award shared by H. Scott Gordon and Anthony Scott.

The 2006 Petry Prize in the Economics of Climate Change has been awarded to Richard Newell and Billy Pizer.

Institutional and University Members of AERE in 2007.

Institutional and University Members of AERE in 2006.

The International Professional Association for Economists Working on the Environment and Natural Resources
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