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My Turbine Blade Is Bigger Than Your Turbine Blade

June 18, 2012 by Nino Marchetti
with 499 views

There’s a my-turbine-blade-is-bigger-than-your-turbine-blade battle going on in the wind power industry.Siemens just showed off a 75-meter wind turbine blade, which doesn’t quite measure up to the 80-meter model Vestas had announced earlier. But... [read more]

Green Energy Playgrounds: The Future of Recess Is Here

June 17, 2012 by Nino Marchetti
with 414 views

Call it a green tech concept whose time has come. Every day, all across the developing world, green-minded parents fret over the amount of electricity their kids’ toys suck up, and every day, they nag their kids to get out from behind that bleeping... [read more]

EPA’s Costly, Unnecessary Soot Proposal

June 16, 2012 by Mark Green
with 263 views

Photo by jlk.1 via Flickr

EPA continues to act tone deaf to the real-world needs of U.S. businesses and regular Americans. Its particle standards proposal issued this week is a good example of the kind of investment-squelching overregulation that ultimately could hurt the... [read more]

Take Me Out To The Utility-Scale Solar Farm

June 20, 2012 by Nino Marchetti
with 95 views

It won’t make up for the absence of injured slugging first baseman Ryan Howard, but the Philadelphia Phillies are acquiring some power.The Phillies are getting behind the effort to build Pennsylvania’s largest utility-scale solar farm, agreeing to buy 22 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) – 22,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) – of renewable... [read more]

Promoting Low-Carbon Innovation at Rio+20

June 20, 2012 by Meg Crawford
with 82 views

As Rio+20 negotiators rush to complete a consolidated text of outcomes before heads of state begin arriving tomorrow, participants at hundreds of side events are calling on business and government to take stronger action on clean energy, poverty elimination, food security, oceans, sustainable cities, green technology development,... [read more]

Great data on on PV and falling energy demand in Australia

June 20, 2012 by Nigel Morris
with 79 views


Today see’s the release of yet another important and much needed set of up-to-date data and truth on PV and falling energy demand in Australia.The REC Agents Association commissioned Green Energy Markets to produce an analysis and update on what’s been going on in our electricity market and the roles of PV and Energy Efficiency... [read more]

No easy answers at SONGS - Update

June 20, 2012 by Dan Yurman
with 79 views

Esteban De Armas/Shutterstock

Faulty computer analysis, design flaws, and manufacturing changes are among the reasons there is excessive tube wear in the steam generator at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 3 California Song BirdIn a presentation at an NRC public meeting held in San Juan Capistrano, CA, on Monday June 18, Southern California Edison VP for... [read more]

Lowballing Carbon Dioxide Emissions Projections: IEA Edition

June 19, 2012 by Breakthrough Institute
with 90 views

The International Energy Agency has released a new analysis that helps to demonstrate the systemic failure of policy analyses focused on carbon dioxide emissions reductions.In the new report the IEA projects that by 2030 the world will be emitting about 45 Gt (gigatonnes) of carbon dioxide. Yet, in 2008, just 4 years ago the IEA was... [read more]

Fossil-Fuel Subsidies: Why We Crunched The Numbers

June 19, 2012 by Marianne Lavelle
with 365 views

Irena Misevic/Shutterstock

Something crucial was missing from the first-ever global inventory of tax breaks for oil companies and other fossil-fuel subsidies when the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released it last fall. The report detailed all the subtle and not-so-subtle supports for production and consumption of oil,... [read more]

Clean Energy Trends on Twitter

June 19, 2012 by Antonio Pasolini
with 107 views

As the world converges in Rio de Janeiro for the biggest sustainability conference of the year, the Rio+20, twitter activity is booming. One of the most popular hashtags today was #endfossilfuelsubsidies, which aims to end subsidies for fossil fuel energy. A sustainable future must hinge on alternative energy, such as solar and wind... [read more]

International Energy Agency: Double Current Pace of Clean Energy Development

June 19, 2012 by Tyler Hamilton
with 94 views

Climate-change skeptics like to call environmentalists “alarmists” because of their call for urgent action to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The skeptics say the science is too uncertain, that there’s no rush to act, and those who argue otherwise are sanctimonious lefties out of touch with reality.For them it’s drill baby, drill.It’s a... [read more]

Simulating the Sun – Using Analytics to Expand Solar Markets

June 19, 2012 by Christine Hertzog
with 163 views


Installations of solar systems that generate electricity are coming down in price due to materials innovations and manufacturing efficiencies.  But it’s been a challenge to wring costs from the part of the value chain that is focused on business origination – identifying and marketing to qualified opportunities, conducting site... [read more]

Mobilizing Information and Communications Technology in Rio

June 18, 2012 by Steve Seidel
with 104 views


One of the centerpieces of this month’s Rio+20 summit is an important initiative called Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All). C2ES is pleased to be contributing to this initiative as a founding member of a new global partnership aimed at improving energy efficiency and curbing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of information... [read more]

The Work to Further Clean Energy Innovation Continues

June 18, 2012 by Clifton Yin
with 150 views

This was Arun Majumdar’s last week as director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). His leadership will be missed, but he leaves the agency in great shape and also left clean energy stakeholders with some final thoughts via an insightful phone interview with The New York Times.Majumdar starts by counseling patience... [read more]

Politics and The Global Cleantech Shakeout

June 18, 2012 by Geoffrey Styles
with 115 views

For all the enthusiastic comparisons of the cleantech sector to infotech or microelectronics that we've encountered in the last decade, one rarely employed analogy is turning out to be more apt than the rest: Cleantech seems just as capable as dot-coms and chip makers of undergoing an industry shakeout and consolidation at the same time... [read more]

A Prelude to Rio: Mexico Takes a Stand to Protect Irreplaceable Coral Reef

June 18, 2012 by Peter Lehner
with 116 views

NRDC has been calling for the Rio+20 Earth Summit to be a different type of international meeting – one where our world leaders act, and not just talk. On Friday, Mexican president Calderón set the stage for Rio with the rejection of a controversial and destructive tourism development project on the Baja California coast. This is... [read more]

Has the fuel-cell industry reached a tipping point?

June 15, 2012 by Tyler Hamilton
with 207 views

There was a shareholder who stood up at Ballard Power’s annual meeting last week to share her experience with the company’s stock price. It pretty much summed up the frustration shared by most investors in the fuel-cell industry.This investor has owned Ballard shares for most of 20 years. She sold in early 2000 when the stock hit $140 a... [read more]