
Google, Wikipedia Top List of Research Tools for Students…

Are you old enough to remember when doing research at school meant opening up incredibly boring encyclopedias or, even worse, flipping through your ...

Best Buy

Best Buy Fined $27 Million for Stealing Trade Secrets…

A jury in California has determined that Best Buy must pay $22 million in damages for improper use of another company’s trade secrets, and another ...


YouTube Re-Designed to Showcase the Star: Videos…

More news from YouTube! While on the creator side of things, the company is working on finding the next crop of collaborative geniuses, the product ...


NASA is Broken; We Can Fix It…

In 2011, NASA commissioned the National Research Council to put together a report to serve as a "comprehensive independent assessment of NASA's ...

FiOS TV for iPad: A Clear Vision For The Future

FiOS App for iPad

TVs, tablets, smartphones… although size matters, a screen is a screen is a screen. So, when will WiwWiwWiw (What I want, When I want, Where I want) video viewing actually happen? Verizon has taken a nice first step into the future with FiOS TV for the iPad. It's an app that lets FiOS customers ...

This Week in the Future: Know Thy Kitty and You Shall Know the Future…


Look at that kitty! Come on; that’s a cute cat. His name is Merlin!, and yes the “!” is a part of his name. He’s a new arrival to Team Shelly ...

Give Your Career a Gift this December…

Holiday Networking

Here’s a short piece of advice to create an enjoyable as well as productive success: See your “connector friends” in December. Let’s look ...

3 Reasons for RIM to Smile…

Blackberry / RIM

It’s too early to know if Research In Motion’s new operating system can resurrect the ailing BlackBerry brand. But the RIM folks have a couple of ...

New Breakthrough Evidence on Video’s Ad Effectiveness by Channel…

Online Video Ads

In 2007, Millward Brown undertook the first industry-wide study of consumer-controlled, ad-supported video content. Dubbed the C-TV study, it ...

Don’t Be Entrepreneurially Ignorant…

Startup Company

Over the last six months, I have been hatching, incubating and nurturing a technology startup. Part of the process has been getting out there and ...

This Week in the Future: My SUV, DRM and Cory Doctorow’s Request of the Future…

Digital Ownership

About five years ago I bought a Chevy Suburban (aka “the Rig”). I got it for a great price. The gas mileage is terrible but I only planned to use ...