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'Mad Men' deal keeps cast intact

Last Updated: 8:19 AM, April 1, 2011

Posted: 3:16 AM, April 1, 2011

Comments: 6

"Mad Man" will be back -- along with its entire cast.

After months of contentious negotiations, the creator of the highly addictive cable-TV drama has struck a new three-year, $30 million deal with AMC and Lionsgate Entertainment, bringing the show back and ensuring that no characters will be cut to pare its budget.

"The cast decisions are creative decisions, not financial decisions," said creator Matt Weiner. "This was never about money. It's about me continuing to make the show the way it is . . . I feel its uniqueness is integral to its success.

Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm

"It's a thrill," he told The Post last night.

Weiner, AMC and Lionsgate had been battling over his salary, the show's running time, budget and product placements.

In a compromise, the show's season opener and finale will have the same 47-minute running time they had last year, but other episodes will run 45 minutes, allowing AMC to sell more commercials.

Weiner can add the "missing" two minutes on platforms such as digital downloads and DVDs after the episodes air on AMC.

Fans will have to wait for Season 5. Weiner said the show won't return until next March.

"I hope the audience will be patient. We'll make it worth it for them," he said, adding the series will conclude at the end of the deal.

"I'm so excited I get to finish it," he said.

NYPOST Comments (6)

  • Report


    04/01/2011 8:04 PM

    I believe whenever people say: "It's not about the Money", you can bet the Farm it's always about the Money.

  • Report


    04/01/2011 8:03 PM

    I believe whenever people say: "It's not about the Money", you can bet the Farm it's always about the Money.

  • Report

    Enrico Pallazzo

    04/01/2011 9:06 AM

    Can you say Sopranos? Last season AJ was 7 now this next season he's driving and in college? What a joke. Why can't these contracts be worked on way in advance? Or, they step it up so the season can start on time? Loved hockey had season tickets, NHL went on strike, never went back....don't miss it, out of site, out of mind. Still can't stand David Chase to this day!

  • Report

    Enrico Pallazzo

    04/01/2011 9:01 AM

    Can you say Sopranos? Last season AJ was 7 now this next season he's driving and in college? What a joke. Why can't these contracts be worked on way in advance? Or, they step it up so the season can start on time? Loved hockey had season tickets, NHL went on strike, never went back....don't miss it, out of site, out of mind. Still can't stand David Chase to this day!

  • Report

    Enrico Pallazzo

    04/01/2011 9:01 AM

    Can you say Sopranos? Last season AJ was 7 now this next season he's driving and in college? What a joke. Why can't these contracts be worked on way in advance? Or, they step it up so the season can start on time? Loved hockey had season tickets, NHL went on strike, never went back....don't miss it, out of site, out of mind. Still can't stand David Chase to this day!

  • Report

    Enrico Pallazzo

    04/01/2011 9:00 AM

    Can you say Sopranos? Last season AJ was 7 now this next season he's driving and in college? What a joke. Why can't these contracts be worked on way in advance? Or, they step it up so the season can start on time? Loved hockey had season tickets, NHL went on strike, never went back....don't miss it, out of site, out of mind. Still can't stand David Chase to this day!

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