Event Audio

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    April 1, 2011

    “Reaching Out” – Promoting Community Engagement (Audio)
    Ed Husain, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
    Suhail Khan, Former Adviser, George W. Bush Administration
    Munira Mirza, Adviser to the Mayor of London
    Abdal Ullah, Councillor, Tower Hamlets; Former Member, London Metropolitan Police Authority
    Craig Whitlock, National Security Correspondent, Washington Post

    Experts discuss the importance of an organic and systemic relationship between the different sects of the Muslim community and governments in order to combat radicalization.

    This symposium was partnered with Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies and King’s College London’s International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and was made possible by Georgetown University’s George T. Kalaris Intelligence Studies Fund and the generous support of longtime CFR member Rita E. Hauser. Additionally, this event was organized in cooperation with the CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative.

    See more in U.K., Terrorism



    April 1, 2011

    “Community Partnerships to Counter Violent Extremism" (Audio)
    Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    Bruce Hoffman, Director, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

    Jane Holl Lute, deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, provided a U.S. administration perspective on efforts to disrupt violent extremism, and discussed best practices in counter radicalization in the United States and the United Kingdom.

    This symposium was partnered with Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies and King’s College London’s International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and was made possible by Georgetown University’s George T. Kalaris Intelligence Studies Fund and the generous support of longtime CFR member Rita E. Hauser. Additionally, this event was organized in cooperation with the CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative.

    See more in U.K., Terrorism



    April 1, 2011

    "Intelligence and Counter-Radicalization" (Audio)
    Charles Allen, Principal, Chertoff Group; Former Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis
    William J. Bratton, Former Chief of Police, Los Angeles Police Department; Chairman, Kroll, Altegrity, Inc.
    Peter Clarke, Former Head, Counterterrorism Command, New Scotland Yard, and UK National Coordinator of Terrorist Investigations
    Dina Temple-Raston, Counterterrorism Correspondent, NPR

    Panelists compare and contrast the linkages between law enforcement and intelligence in the United States and the United Kingdom and discuss how violent extremism has changed the business of intelligence.

    This symposium was cosponsored with Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies and King’s College London’s International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and was made possible by Georgetown University’s George T. Kalaris Intelligence Studies Fund and the generous support of longtime CFR member Rita E. Hauser. Additionally, this event was organized in cooperation with the CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative.

    See more in U.K., Terrorism



    April 1, 2011

    A New Approach to Counter-Radicalization (Audio)
    Pauline Neville-Jones, Minister of State for Security and Counterterrorism, Home Office, United Kingdom
    James M. Lindsay, Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair, Council on Foreign Relations

    Pauline Neville-Jones, minister of state for security and counterterrorism in the United Kingdom, discusses the common problems Western countries face with countering Islamic radicalization and the need to reinforce the idea that democratic freedoms and Islam are companions and not opponents.

    This symposium was cosponsored with Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies and King’s College London’s International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and was made possible by Georgetown University’s George T. Kalaris Intelligence Studies Fund and the generous support of longtime CFR member Rita E. Hauser. Additionally, this event was organized in cooperation with the CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative.



    See more in U.K., Terrorism



    March 30, 2011

    The Mobile Revolution: Driving the Next Wave of Productivity and Growth (Audio)
    Randall L. Stephenson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AT&T
    Chrystia Freeland, Global Editor-at-Large, Thomson Reuters

    Randall L. Stephenson, chairman and chief executive officer of AT&T, discusses the role of mobile technology as a driving force of productivity and business investment as well as AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile.

    This session was part of the Corporate Program's CEO Speaker series as well as the Bernard L. Schwartz Lecture on Business and Foreign Policy.

    See more in Business and Foreign Policy, Technology and Foreign Policy, Telecommunications



    March 29, 2011

    God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics
    Monica D. Toft, Associate Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
    Timothy Samuel Shah, Associate Director and Scholar in Residence, Religious Freedom Project, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University
    Irina A. Faskianos, Vice President, National Program & Outreach, Council on Foreign Relations

    Coauthors Monica Duffy Toft and Timothy Samuel Shah discuss their new book God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics, coauthored with Daniel Philpott, as well as religion’s recent resurgence in political influence across the globe. This discussion is part of CFR's Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Call series.

    Learn more about CFR's Religion and Foreign Policy Initiative.

    See more in Religion



    March 28, 2011

    Covering Cairo (Audio)
    Ayman Mohyeldin, Middle East Correspondent, al-Jazeera English
    Sam Feist, Political Director and Vice President, Washington Programming, CNN


    Ayman Mohyeldin discusses his experiences reporting from the ground in the Middle East, including covering the recent Tahrir Square protests in Cairo, serving as one of the only foreign journalists based in the Gaza Strip, being embedded with the U.S. military in Iraq, and producing exclusive reports from elsewhere in the region.

    This meeting is part of the Voices of the Next Generation series, which seeks to bring CFR members together with fresh, young voices in the foreign policy discourse.

    See more in Middle East, Media and Foreign Policy



    March 28, 2011

    A Conversation with Raymond E. Mabus (Audio)

    Secretary of the U.S. Navy Raymond E. Mabus discusses the operations of the U.S. Navy as it responds to high-end combat, builds partnerships, and implements humanitarian assistance and disaster relief programs around the world.

    See more in Defense/Homeland Security, Disasters, International Peace and Security



    March 25, 2011

    Assessing Brazil’s Agenda at Home and Abroad (Audio)
    Kellie Meiman Hock, Managing Director, McLarty Associates
    Riordan Roett, Director, Western Hemisphere Program, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
    Julia E. Sweig, Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow and Director for Latin America Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
    Bernard W. Aronson, Managing Partner, ACON Investments

    Following President Obama’s first official visit to South America, Kellie Meiman Hock, Riordan Roett, and Julia E. Sweig discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with Brazil’s rise, as well as the future of U.S.-Brazil relations.

    See more in Brazil, Diplomacy



    March 24, 2011

    Japan's Nuclear Crisis and the Future of the Energy Industry
    Michael A. Levi, David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment; Director of the Program on Energy Security and Climate Change, Council on Foreign Relations
    Irina A. Faskianos, Vice President, National Program & Outreach, Council on Foreign Relations

    CFR's Michael A. Levi discusses the pros and cons of nuclear energy in light of Japan’s nuclear crisis, as part of CFR's State and Local Officials Conference Call series.

    Learn more about CFR's State and Local Officials Initiative.

    See more in Japan

  • New Books

    The Dressmaker of Khair Khana

    The Dressmaker of Khair Khana cover Gayle Lemmon tells the remarkable story of a young entrepreneur whose business created jobs and hope for women in her Kabul, Afghanistan, neighborhood during the Taliban years.

    Advantage: How American Innovation Can Overcome the Asian Challenge

    Advantage Cover Adam Segal offers a contrarian analysis of how the United States can succeed in the technological race with Asia.

    How Wars End

    How Wars End Cover A penetrating look at American wars over the last century by Gideon Rose, editor of Foreign Affairs.

    Complete list of CFR Books

    New Council Special Report

    The Drug War in Mexico: Confronting a Shared Threat

    The Drug War in Mexico CSR cover imageDavid A. Shirk analyzes the drug war in Mexico and argues that the United States should help Mexico address its pressing crime and corruption problems.

    Complete list of Council Special Reports

    New Independent Task Force Report

    U.S. Strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan

    U.S. Strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan coverThis Task Force report assesses U.S. objectives, strategy, and policy options in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It supports a long-term partnership with Pakistan, calls for a new approach to Afghan political reform, reconciliation, and regional diplomacy, and says that a more limited U.S. mission in Afghanistan would be warranted if the present strategy does not show signs of progress.

    About Independent Task Forces at CFR

    Complete list of Task Force reports

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