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Johnson Comments on 9/11 Anniversary

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI), a member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, made the following statement regarding the 11th anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks: "Eleven years ag... read more

Johnson Comments on $16 Trillion Debt Milestone

Oshkosh, WI – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement regarding the news that the United States debt has reached $16 trillion: “16 trillion dollars of debt means spending in Washington is completely out of... read more

Johnson Comments on Passing of Neil Armstrong

Washington, D.C. - Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement today upon learning of the passing of Neil Armstrong: "As a boy of 14, I vividly remember watching Neil Armstrong's 'one small step for man, one giant leap for m... read more

Johnson Resolution Rejects Illegal Obamacare Tax Regulation

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) today introduced a resolution pursuant to the Congressional Review Act to overturn a tax rule promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service. In an effort to create a large national health insu... read more
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Spending and Deficits

We often hear that our deficit is being caused by the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or the tax cuts from 2001 and 2003. But as the numbers show, the costs of our overseas contingencies operations and the tax cuts amount to less ... read more

Tax Increases 'To Do Something About the Debt'

On July 25, I opposed legislation which passed the Senate that would have the effect of allowing taxes to rise for millions of Americans, while ensuring that rates remain the same for many others. President Obama has said this tax increase ... read more

Obamacare: $1.6 Trillion in Deficit Risk

Obamacare was originally funded through $1.3 trillion in combined revenue increases and spending cuts which are not likely to occur. That financing was spread out over a 10 year window - during which time Obamacare would be fully implemente... read more

A Temporary Discount on Borrowing

The federal government is currently adding more than $1 trillion in new debt ever year. For now, this debt is being financed at historically low interest rates. Once interest rates return to historic norms - approximately 3.8 percent higher... read more
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Senator Johnson Discusses the 'Fiscal Cliff'

Senator Johnson appeared on CNBC's Kudlow Report to discuss the economic effect of the combined tax increases and spending cuts that are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2013... read more

Senator Johnson Questions Witnesses Regarding Cybersecurity

Senator Johnson recently questioned Committee witnesses regarding their views on the efficiency and organization of the Department of Homeland Security.... read more

Senator Johnson Questions Witnesses Regarding Intelligence Leaks

General Michael Hayden - former Director of the NSA and CIA - recently appeared before the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. Senator Johnson questioned General Hayden on the best methods to deter future intelligence lea... read more

Senator Johnson Discusses Obamacare ruling on MSNBC

Senator Johnson appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to discuss the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. Johnson discussed the likely cost of the program, and its effect on innovation and quality of care.... read more


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