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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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News & Events


Watch the live press conference with the Chairman of the FOMC, Ben S. Bernanke
November 2, 2011
Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement
November 2, 2011
Current FAQs
Federal Reserve redesigns the frequently asked questions section of its website

Speeches and Testimony

November 9, 2011
Governor Daniel K. Tarullo
The Evolution of Capital Regulation
At the Clearing House Business Meeting and Conference, New York, New York
November 9, 2011
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
Welcoming Remarks
At the Conference on Small Business and Entrepreneurship during an Economic Recovery, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
November 4, 2011
Governor Daniel K. Tarullo
The International Agenda for Financial Regulation
At the American Bar Association Banking Law Committee Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
October 22, 2011
Governor Elizabeth A. Duke
The Federal Reserve System and Individual Financial Planning
At the 2011 Virginia Beach Financial Planning Day, Virginia Beach, Virginia
October 21, 2011
Vice Chair Janet L. Yellen
The Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Economic Policy
At the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, Denver, Colorado
Last update: November 9, 2011