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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Economic Research & Data


New interactive web-based guide to the Flow of Funds Accounts
Users will now be able to explore the structure and content of the quarterly Flow of Funds statistical release and the Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States. The guide will allow users to search for series, browse tables of data, and identify links among series within the Flow of Funds accounts. It will also provide descriptions of each of the published tables and information on the source data underlying each series. Information in the guide will be updated quarterly a few days after the release and will be consistent with the most recently published Flow of Funds statistical release.
New interactive graphics feature of Data Download Program (DDP)
Users will now be able to create and view interactive graphics of data packages from the program before downloading the underlying data and charts. The charting feature allows users to view multiple data series on a single chart as well as to display individual data points. The charts can be saved as PDFs or in a standard image file format (PNG) for publication and redistribution.
The Mortgage Market in 2010: Highlights from the Data Reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
This article presents a number of key findings from a review of the data that mortgage lending institutions reported for 2010 under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA).

Recent Working Papers

FEDS 2011-46 From Many Series, One Cycle: Improved Estimates of the Business Cycle from a Multivariate Unobserved Components Model
Charles A. Fleischman and John M. Roberts
FEDS 2011-45 Risk, Uncertainty, and Expected Returns
Turan G. Bali and Hao Zhou
FEDS 2011-44 Two Practical Algorithms for Solving Rational Expectations Models
Flint Brayton
FEDS 2011-43 How Do Joint Supervisors Examine Financial Institutions? The Case of State Banks
Marcelo Rezende
FEDS 2011-42 Measuring the Level and Uncertainty of Trend Inflation
Elmar Mertens
FEDS 2011-41 Polarization, immigration, education: What's behind the dramatic decline in youth employment?
Christopher L. Smith

More:  FEDS | IFDP

Last update: November 8, 2011