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    America's health care system is expensive and inefficient. Here's what 6 entrepreneurial companies are doing about it. more
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    New restrictions on lenders will take effect in 2010, but several in Congress are leading the campaign for faster reform.  more
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    Web media startup TurnHere churns out 1,000 corporate videos every month. That might just be the future of Web advertising. more
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    A new regulation intended to protect kids from lead may put some indie toy makers out of business.  more
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    Small businesses can't get loans. Here's what the Fed plans to do about it.  more
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    Gary Kaberle's sleek BAT 11 concept vehicle is an inspiring reminder of the passion cars evoke. more
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    As credit card companies move to limit their risks, business owners face unpleasant surprises.  more
Health Cure
Soaring health-insurance costs hurt small companies more than their big rivals. Here's how smart entrepreneurs are coping with the crisis.
8 places to get cash
Turned down by the bank? Try these alternate funding sources.More
Cash for life
Making lightweight canoes had long been a labor of love for Joel Flather, founder of Compass Canoes in Taunton, Mass. But last year, at age 66, Flather decided to sell his ten-year-old business to a larger boating company. The transition confronted Flather with one great unknown. "We never had a pension plan at my company," he says, "so funding the future became an important issue."More
How to land a bank loan
It's tougher to get business loans in this lender's market, but these tips can improve your chances.More
Questions & Answers

I'd like to start a small business and need a grant to start. How do I go about it and who do need to contact? Everything seems to be a scam, but I know there are grants out there for young women who want to start a business. more

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